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 This is your launch pad to greater health and vitality! In consultation with Dr. Reid, you’ll receive a personalized plan that incorporates alternative and complementary medicine, movement and education.

Your Health Solutions Plan for pain and disease reversal is based on our Methodology, which is an advanced approach to health that integrates Western Functional Medicine, Eastern medicine and modern applications of practices from ancient Mexico. 

 We look at you—and encourage you to look at yourself, as a holistic unit that includes all levels simultaneously—a physical body, a mind, emotions and a spiritual self, so we are always seeking to find solutions to needs of your physical body, your emotional body and your spirit self. The idea of health for our world of today, HAS to take care of and integrate all these areas.

 Today we live in a time of high challenges, but it is also a time of fantastic new possibilities. We can understand complex interactions in the body through new testing, and we have new clinical information on ways to restore function through natural interventions, which is a high priority for us.

 We can pragmatically operate through the viewpoint of energy in our daily life. Keeping an energetic view of things makes our life more exciting and expansive and boosts your mental abilities. We give you the tools and the understanding to use this to enhance your healing response.

 We give you comprehensive assessments of your health and energy including a physical body evaluation, a dietary and herbal consultation, and mind-body techniques tailored to your needs. We help you not only get healthy but also to change your mind set, use intention actively and manifest more success in your life.



Initial consultation.

Your initial consultation takes place at The Energy Life Sciences Institute with Dr. Miles Reid, where you will go over your desired optimal health goals, and you will receive a detailed explanation of your Health Solutions protocol.

 The consultation includes scheduling of diagnostic tests as needed and detailed questionnaires about your health life. You will also receive a set of guidelines for things that you can start implementing right away from home. We will give you things to work on for your physical body, and to look at emotions and spirit aspects.

 Dr. Reid will help you decide and set up your Health Solutions plan and schedule appointments with our Energy Life Sciences Institute specialists in acupuncture, nutrition and movement.

 Your initial consultation includes an acupuncture treatment with the doctor, to begin helping you feel better right away.

 Note: Your initial evaluation and treatment is with Dr. Reid, our clinical director, unless he is traveling to treat or see patients overseas. In this case, you might be seen by a qualified practitioner at our clinic.




Prescribed treatments and instructions for product usage are given to you during every session by our Energy Life Sciences Institute professionals.

In follow-up consultations, you and Dr. Reid or your clinician at the clinic will discuss your test results and your Health Solution plan will be customized to achieve your health and energy goals.



Health Maintenance Program.

Sometimes, the issue you wanted most help with has cleared by the end of your 6 weeks. Sometimes it needs more time, and it is most important to stay steady while changes consolidate. We are most interested in prevention and enhancement of health through a maintenance program.

 We look at health challenges as teachers that show up in our life for us to look at something that is out of balance, as learning opportunities. We have seen over and over how our patients, when they include in their treatment this self-examination, they come out of the illness even better than before they got ill.

 To maintain your optimal health and vitality, your Health Solutions will be adjusted as appropriate for your life that moment.


 6-WEEK THERAPEUTIC PLAN                      

6 Acupuncture treatments

6 Life Movement treatments

6 Enhancement modalities


Prescribed Enhancement modalities may include:

herbal assessment + prescription

nutritional coaching

behavior modification tools

guided imagery + recapitulation

massage therapy

Ionized oxygen therapy

Intranasal laser therapy


neurocare physical therapy

infrared sauna



Six-Week Pain Reversal Base Program $1,700

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