Are you thinking about doing a cleanse? Everywhere we turn these days, we see cleanses and detox programs being promoted. The truth is that not all programs are created equal. A proper detoxification program can be greatly beneficial. But some cleanses actually do more harm than good.
Why Detoxify?
A good detox program is energizing and rejuvenating.
We’re exposed to toxins every day—in our food and water (pesticides, heavy metals, microbes), in the air we breathe, from things we come into contact with through our skin (soaps, cosmetics, cleaning supplies, lead paint) and from our body’s own natural metabolic process. This toxic load can become a toxic overload.
Given this, I believe that periodic detoxification is important. Our organs are constantly trying to repair and regenerate, and we can help them do this by removing toxic obstructions. Any excess toxicity that you can shed can make a difference in your life. But therein lies the difference between a proper detoxification regime and one that is harmful. Some cleanses actually impair your body’s ability to eliminate toxins.
What to Avoid
Avoid juice-only cleanses. Why? A juice cleanse may seem like a good idea, but the truth is that doing such a cleanse without proper nutritional support can make you very ill. This is because when you fast or consume fruits and vegetables only, you diminish your body’s ability to rid itself of toxins. Amino acids are essential for liver detoxification. If you are consuming only juice, you may flush out toxins in your system that it then has inadequate ability to eliminate. It will pull amino acids from your muscles in order to deal with this, which can cause loss of muscle mass.
Other problems that can arise from some cleansing programs include blood sugar imbalances and fatigue.
Benefits of a Good Program
A good detoxification program will suggest you avoid foods and beverages that cause inflammation. It will also include proper nutritional support. Having physician support, as with Being Energy’s Detox Program, is also highly recommended.
The benefits of a good program include:
- Greater energy
- Clearer mind
- Improved circulation
- Glowing skin
- Good sleep
- Healthy weight loss
Ready to Energize?
Kick off the fall season with a cleanse! For an even more profound experience, take time out for yourself with our three-day Los Angeles retreat in September.
Join Being Energy’s Radiant Energy + Radiant Health retreat. The weekend includes a detoxification program and treatments tailored to your needs.
You can also purchase our 21-Day Detox Program to do at home.