The Practice Project
This is an Annual Gathering from all Practice Groups around the globe, to celebrate each other for their efforts and energy over the year in the Joining Forces project of practices, to intermingle, create new relationships and support each other for the next year’s practice.
Help each other to have purpose and a sustained practice.
We move towards freedom, joining forces, side by side, and internationally!
Global Practices are just like Seasonal Practices, but of double duration (180 minutes instead of 90 minutes), and the same practice for all international groups simultaneously.
Help support the Practices by inviting people from your network to come and experience the movements and the energy.
This is a unique opportunity!
Practice Groups of Mexico, USA, Russia, Bulgaria, Brazil, Argentina, Europe English, French, Spanish, Italian and German, and individual practitioners and seekers from all countries.
The Joining Forces Practice Initiative
Join now!
“The ethos of a warrior-traveler is to navigate in Infinity”
– Carlos Castaneda

Guidelines how to assemble a Groups’ Form for the Second Annual Global Practice
EACH Practice Group works together to create their Signature Defeating Self-importance Form, their unique arrangement, such as The Will Form Italy Group, The Will Form Brazil Group, The Will Form Mexico Group, etc.
Each group can practice and develop their form over the next months and include it in their regular practices. Note: while the exploration of these passes is to be included and developed during each group’s weekly and Seasonal Practices, other passes and forms will continue to also be shared and practiced.
In October 2025, when we hold the Second Global Practice, and, like it was done last year, each Practice Group will present and share their respective Form, so we all get to practice all the different variations.

The Form of the Will
An Advanced Practice for seasoned and beginners alike
The cornerstone of the shaman’s journey
For the men and women shamans in ancient Mexico, every one of their practices was aimed at dethroning the excessive concern with the self, which they considered, in terms of perception, as the main obstacle to reaching their full potential.
Self-importance meant, for them, being fixed in only seeing ourselves, being excessively concerned with ourselves, and fearing that those concerns won’t be met, or they won’t let us meet them.
The Will Form aims at 2 perceptual stances:
- To deal with self-importance as if it were our greatest enemy
- To refuse to feel less or victims and reconquer our true minds.
“I complained that the idea of eradicating self-importance, although very appealing to me at times, was really incomprehensible; I told him that I found his directives for getting rid of it so vague I could not follow them.
„I’ve said to you many times,” he said, „that in order to follow the path of knowledge one has to be very imaginative. You see, in the path of knowledge nothing is as clear as we’d like it to be.”
The use of the wood device:
A wooden stick is required when practicing these energy passes (measurements: 16 inches long by 1 5/8 inches wide aprox).
For purposes of the intent in which the stick is handled, the practitioners must ‘extend themselves into the stick’ so it becomes a part of oneself, an extension that enables one to execute the energy movements in an enhanced way.
The stick can be sanded or varnished, fostering a personal relationship with it.
“Don Juan began his explanations.
He said that seers, old and new, are divided into two categories. The first one is made up of those who are willing to exercise self-restraint and can channel their activities toward pragmatic goals, which would benefit other seers and man in general. The other category consists of those who don’t care about self-restraint or about any pragmatic goals. It is the consensus among seers that the latter have failed to resolve the problem of self-importance.”
How to arrange a Form:
- A vocabulary of passes – UNITS
- A sequence combination – Unique each practitioner / time
- A perceptual focus – Shifting perception away from the excessive concern with the self
- Instead of being a single set form, The Will Form is, rather, a vocabulary, a set of small components that can then be arranged in sequences with different orders and repetitions. In this context, an arrangement is a unique sequence and number of repetitions of the sets, reflecting individual expressions.
- Each unit addresses a particular emphasis on rallying one’s will power.
- Each Practice Group worldwide develops its own arrangement, its own form, by individual members of each group practicing, exploring the units and creating their unique sequence.
- Individual practitioners’ sequences will be shown and shared throughout the next Seasonal Practices, and each group will finally choose one version to present at the Global Practice in October.
Practice tips
- there is a pattern of breathing to follow,
- a specific mood to enter,
- a technique for how to hold and use the stick,
- a set of wheels’ strikes with the stick
- a collection of blocks of energy passes; blocks can be combined in any order and number of repetitions so that the end result is a form always fresh, unique, and in motion.
Any given Form, any given arrangement (sequence) can also include any of the sounds in combination with any of the movements.
“Warriors fight self-importance as a matter of strategy, not principle”, he replied. “Your mistake is to understand what I say in terms of morality.!
Units of the Form
- With the stick breathe into the Lower will with one end then breathe into the Upper will with the other end, the repeat with eyes closed several times, igniting the will centers.
- Transferring the center of attention from the upper wheel to the lower wheel.
Transferring from the brain center to the upper will, and then to the lower wheel with his exercise of perception and touching one tip on the upper will igniting it releasing, touching the wheel with our other end and coming back to the upper wheel with the eyes closed and see if you can find the match and then repeat the same with the lower will. Many repetitions. - Tap inner heels twice also tap Earth to wake up silence. Then do the form moving from the will
- Stand with a stick across the pelvic bone, press in the spine, straight. Set the intent, determined, with unbending purpose
- Developing the attention and the intent this includes imagery, syntax and sensations.
- First set: Five moves set: Twirl over the head, present feet parallel step with the left, strike forward with the tip, step back with the left, strike backward with the tip, fit parallel, sweep horizontally to the right, strike with a base to the left, strike as a stick to the right. Come to Center repeat on the opposite side.
- Second set. Nine moves set: Feet parallel double punch shortcut single punch long cut around temples step forward with the left pierce across then step springy to the front and repeat pierce deeper twice step back with the left pierce behind below to the left step forward with the left pierce over the head. Come to Center repeat on the opposite side.
- Filler: Present sticker in front step out to the left and slow pierce to left return to center repeat on the other side repeat all but step with leg behind come around over the head bring it to the ground then bring in to lower will then opposite end to upper will and out to the stars arms come down along the side wide.
- Third set: Eleven moves: Infinity twirls each step 4 steps. Strike the left rib, strike the right rib, jump, and strike the left face around right face change hands on stick. Pierce back once and again, twisting back pause change hands step with the right long sweep across to the left and with arm extended, then gather. Come to Center repeat on the opposite side.
- Presenting stick bow forward pressure on upper will then on lower will (END UNIT).
“Until the energy body is complete and mature, it is self-absorbed. It can’t get free from the compulsion to be absorbed by everything.” — The Art of Dreaming
The Joining Forces Practice Initiative
Join now!
“The ethos of a warrior-traveler is to navigate in Infinity”
– Carlos Castaneda