Dear Community:
We are launching a new series of weekly newsletters. We look forward to sharing practical ideas, experiences, relevant research, and guidance for creating and maintaining a vital, healthy and strong body-mind. We intend to focus on four areas, one each week: 1) Nutrition and Food, 2) The Wisdom that guides the Path With Heart Classes, 3) The Community, and 4) Topics of Interest on the warrior’s journey, based on the knowledge and teachings of the Seers of Ancient Mexico.
This week our focus is on Nutrition. Our Nutrition classes this year will address specific topics to help raise awareness of the choices we make, our relationship to our bodies, and the behavior associated with thoughts, emotions and choices.
Finding Your Ideal Body Weight
One of the challenges we face in determining the most beneficial choices for mind-body health is the onslaught of theories, opinions, beliefs and views from the greater healthcare community, the media and society at large.
We believe in empowering individuals to find their own center amidst what may feel like an overstimulation of data and information, to better understand their unique bodies and experiences. Through the process of refining and strengthening individual health in community, we share experiences, recipes and results of healthy new choices.
In our first class on January 25 we presented a 21-day detox program that helps to eliminate toxins and revitalize your body. If you missed the class, you can still watch it here.
In the upcoming class this Saturday, March 8, we will share information and guidance to find your ideal body weight. There are a variety of reasons for weight differences and fluctuations, for example, our bone structure, our genes, our food history, changing emotional needs, age, and the climate we live in. You can learn about how the body stores and designs your weight and shape, about the relationships between weight and energy, and how to understand and determine your ideal body weight, which is not a standard formula but an individual expression. The upcoming nutrition class is also a maintenance follow-up to the detox program.
Have a healthy and joyful week.