3 Ways to Detox This Spring
Whether you’re conscious of it or not, your thoughts can either block or accelerate your energy. Get the tools to make way for more joy and abundance in your life.
It seems like everywhere we turn lately, someone is talking about a detox program—juice programs, retreats, and all variety of programs vying for our attention. We have one, too! But what makes ours different from the rest is not only that it is doctor-supervised, but also that it incorporates your thoughts to support you. Intentions are a key element of the program—intentions to carry you through and take you forward.
This is a detox program for body + mind + soul!
Your mind can be your greatest ally. The thoughts you have and the words you use can either boycott your best efforts or they can focus everything to enhance what you’re doing so that you can meet your goals (and beyond).
Intentions focus your mind to align with the dietary changes, exercises, breathing practices and supplements that are part of the program. They help create the channel so that everything you’re doing flows together unimpeded.
An extraordinary truth is that when you begin to work with intentions you train your mind in the service for greater energy. Even more than learning about the effects of your food choices, movements and supplements to activate detoxification and sustain your vitality, the skills you gain for training your mind can create dramatic positive change for you. You might find it surprising!
Are you ready to refresh, reenergize and empower your vitality? Jump on board for our group detoxification program, beginning on Saturday, April 11 at 8:30am with our next Nutrition + Health class.
We think you’ll find that it’s a program that isn’t like any other program out there, and that you’ll take away tools that will have lifelong value.