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Our Organs Have Their Own Consciousness And We Can Talk to Them
Извините, этот текст доступен только на “English” и “Español”. My teacher Carlos Castaneda taught me this: Our Organs Have Their Own Consciousness And We Can Talk to Them This year marks the 20th anniversary of the departure of my dear teacher and guide Carlos Castaneda. I met him in the mid-nineties as a young doctor looking… Read more »
Young, Vital and on the Move: The Vascular System
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Our New Step in Evolution: From homo sapiens to homo universalis
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Embracing this Moment: A personal note
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Работая врачом в многолюдной клинике, я часто испытываю те же затруднения, что и мои собственные пациенты. То есть я работаю над тем, как оставаться сосредоточенным и присутствующим, без ощущения дефицита времени, которого не хватает на все дела. Начиная с профессиональных встреч ранним утром, через поток пациентов в течение дня, к важному времени, когда я со... Read more »
3 Reasons to Get More Sleep
So how’s that sleep thing going for you? Do you feel rested? You’ve probably heard this, but sleep really, truly is important. Getting enough sleep is vital for optimal health and wellbeing. Yet most of us don’t manage to sleep enough, or sleep well. This can be complicated by hormonal shifts, especially for women. (Check… Read more »
A Recipe to Kindle Your Digestive Fire
It’s undeniable. The holidays are on the way! How can you keep yourself healthy during this busy season? One key is to strengthen your digestive fire. Holiday celebrations almost always include rich foods. While we all know that it’s important to eat well, we can get a little derailed this time of year. Also, if… Read more »
Ура 2019! Освободите, простите и настройте намерения, встречая Новый год
НОВОГОДНЯЯ РИТУАЛ КАРЛОСА КАСТАНДЫ Вот церемония, которой научил нас наш учитель Карлос Кастанеда: Он начинается в последние дни декабря и заканчивается после того, как часы пробивают полночь 1 января. Кастанеда сказал бы нам, что в полночь свет Духа или Вселенной приходит и «наблюдает за нами» - на нас нисходит сила, созданная объединенным намерением планеты на... Read more »
Why Happiness Matters
The science is in: Happiness matters! It turns out that happiness and a strong social network are key components in your health and longevity. As the poet W. H. Auden put it, “We must love one another or die.” This statement is borne out by research showing that social relationships can both extend your life and… Read more »
Mind over Matter?
How powerfully do our thoughts influence our health and wellbeing? The intricate connections between mind and body are only beginning to be scientifically understood. What we do know at this time is: Our emotions affect our physiology The brain is an amazingly adaptable and powerful organ Regular exercise can improve memory and cognitive functioning Studies continue to illuminate the… Read more »
5 Steps to Feeling Good
Feelings. The senses. Our emotions. Being aware of your feelings can have a directly positive influence on your health and wellbeing. I’ll share a couple of exercises with you here, visual and physical, to help you hone that influential connection between feelings and health. Also, remember our next online Nutrition class on Saturday, October 3rd. Join… Read more »
6 Windows to Perception: Overcome Sensory Overload and Optimize Your Awareness
It’s almost here! Being Energy’s next Nutrition class—all about the senses. I invite you to join me live, online on Saturday, October 3rd. We’ll explore the importance of the five senses and how to optimize them, and even give you an exercise for activating your 6th sense for expanded perception. So why are we doing… Read more »
Cool It Down! Foods to Eat for Summer Vitality
We’re thinking about longevity lately, and sustainability. Can what you eat really make a difference to your longevity? Yes! In fact, your daily food choices affect your mood and health both in the moment and well down the road. First and foremost, aim to eat according to the season. This is a key for aging… Read more »
The Fountain of Youth: 3 Ancient Formulas that Work
Some things stand the test of time, while others fade away. When it comes to staying youthful, Chinese Medicine offers an herbal treasure trove for our bustling modern lives. What’s more, Chinese herbs can be used together with key nutritional supplements for broad support of your health and longevity. The following supplements, herbs and herbal… Read more »
The Truth about Detoxification
Are you thinking about doing a cleanse? Everywhere we turn these days, we see cleanses and detox programs being promoted. The truth is that not all programs are created equal. A proper detoxification program can be greatly beneficial. But some cleanses actually do more harm than good. Why Detoxify? A good detox program is energizing… Read more »
Sweet Summer Slumber: 7 Foods for Better Sleep
Sleeping well is a struggle for some of us throughout the year, but the summer season can really turn up the heat on nighttime tossing and turning. To help, we have some recommendations for what to eat and what not to eat to invite blissful slumber any time of year. For even more tips and… Read more »
Как быть гибким, чтобы оставаться сильным
Движение. Энергия. Здоровье. Жизненность. Все это связано. В Быть Энергией мы считаем важным принимать во внимание все вместе. Но чтобы понять целое, вы должны смотреть на детали и наоборот. Движения являются ключевой частью того, чему мы учим на наших классах и семинарах, потому что движение, так или иначе, является фундаментальной частью жизни и ключом к... Read more »
8 Great Reasons to Meditate Today
You can enjoy positive effects from even just one meditation, and the long-term benefits multiply with continued practice. Recent studies show that meditation not only reduces stress—which would certainly be enough reason to try it—but it actually affects our DNA, protecting the life of our cells and slowing aging. One study showed that just one… Read more »
7 Foods (and a Recipe!) to Strengthen Your Joints
Create a strong foundation for health by nourishing your bones, muscles and tendons. Not only can you do this in simple ways, you can also do this in delicious ways. These seven common foods can help revitalize your joints and tendons: Tomatoes Kale Eggplant Red Bell Pepper Blackberries Basil Brussels Sprouts The bonus? This is… Read more »
Jump the Gap! How to Live Fully Right Now
“If your mind stops on the sword your opponent is swinging at you, a gap opens up; and in that gap your action falters. If there is no gap between your opponent’s striking sword and your action, the sword of the adversary will become your sword. A mind like a spark means the state of… Read more »
6 Tips for Healthy Summer Fun
Summer is here, and at Being Energy and Being Energy Medical, our minds are on the things we can do to enjoy it to its fullest. This week, I’d like to share my prescription for healthy living. These six, effective tips for energy and wellness are simple to incorporate and sustainable, no matter the weather. Adapted from… Read more »
5 Ways to Get the Most out of Exercise
Whether we love it or hate it, we all know that exercise is important to our health and longevity. Given that, why not have some fun with it and maximize our exercise routine for faster results? Physical activity helps both your body and mind stay strong, healthy and resilient. It helps you detoxify, oxygenate and… Read more »
One Powerhouse Supplement for Glowing Health
Called the “Mushroom of Immortality”, reishi is a powerhouse supplement with a variety of benefits. From its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties to help with cancer and AIDS, it’s one of my favorite products. We incorporate reishi in our detoxification programs, and recommend it to help boost the immune system during flu season. Reishi may be the most highly respected… Read more »
4 Simple Steps: A Detox Recipe to Reenergize
Are you looking for more energy? Maybe you’ve been thinking about a detox program? It seems that everyone is talking about detoxing these days, but the trick can be incorporating a program into your life without disrupting your daily routine. The good news is that there are things that you can easily incorporate into your daily… Read more »
7 Reasons to Try an Infrared Sauna Session
What can boost circulation, ease muscle tension, promote weight loss and activate the release of toxins from your system? An infrared sauna session. What’s even better: You get to relax while the sauna does all the work! Detoxification is a big theme for us right now—the spring season is a perfect time to detoxify and… Read more »
Yum: A Green Smoothie that Tastes Great
What? Yes, that’s what we’re saying. Our Green Detox Smoothie is not only really good for you, but it actually tastes…great. Smoothies play a key role in the Being Energy Detox Program diet plan, for those who do well with raw vegetables. For good reason: They are packed with nutrition, easy to digest, quick to… Read more »
The One Label That Can Tell You What You Need to Know
It’s being fought tooth and nail, but the US Food and Drug Administration is considering adding one line to labels on packaged foods telling you how many teaspoons of sugar have been added to the product. It’s something you’d like to know, right? So why are food manufacturers lobbying so hard against it? It looks… Read more »
How to Train Your Mind and Flourish
3 Ways to Detox This Spring Whether you’re conscious of it or not, your thoughts can either block or accelerate your energy. Get the tools to make way for more joy and abundance in your life. It seems like everywhere we turn lately, someone is talking about a detox program—juice programs, retreats, and all variety… Read more »
Living with Vitality 24/7
What does it mean to have vitality 24/7? What does that look like? What picture comes to mind? Everything we do with Being Energy is aimed at feeling fully alive and expressing your greatest potential in life. The question is: What does this look like? Well, it’s different for every person, but at the center… Read more »
When the Facts Aren’t the Facts: Depression, Drugs and Exercise
When it comes to facts, we don’t always get the real story. In fact, recent findings show that what we’ve been led to believe about antidepressants was cleverly skewed to favor drug companies. Surprising? For us, not so much. Drugs, while they can be of great benefit and are sometimes necessary, are also extreme. Rarely… Read more »
Harness Your Sexual Energy
Does engaging in sexual activity energize or deplete you? Becoming aware of how your energy level rises or falls in relation to sex can help you increase your vitality bank account. Outside of cultural or moral ideas of sex, there is the reality of how it is in your body, for you uniquely and individually.… Read more »
Boost Your Immunity in ONE Simple Step!
Imagery for Immunity Research shows that our thoughts and feelings impact our physicality, from increased cortisol levels when we’re stressed to lowered immunity if we’re feeling depressed. Most of the time, we don’t consciously direct our thoughts for the benefit of our health, but we do have the power to do just that. Visualization is… Read more »
What Is Your Perfect Weight?
Your perfect weight is an individual expression of being in harmony with your soul. Ideals of beauty change through time and among cultures, but what is best for each of us is a unique matter. While obesity is a serious health issue that is tied to various diseases, the idea of optimal body weight can… Read more »
New Paradigms and Timeless Wisdom
Food: New Paradigms and Timeless Wisdom We all know that diet plays an important part in our health and wellbeing. But how what we eat affects our biology isn’t so clear, as evidenced by the diverse and often opposing diets promoted by trustworthy physicians. Should you eat for your blood type? Follow the Paleo Diet,… Read more »
Realize your New Year’s Resolutions in 2015
Most of us start each year with one or more resolutions that we hope to accomplish. Maybe you want to shed extra pounds gained over the holidays, or to get to the gym more regularly. But by the time March rolls around, these resolutions can seem like a distant memory. What happens? Usually, other things… Read more »
The Key to Feeling More Energy? A Healthy Thyroid Gland!
Movement is the key to energy. It really is true! Of all the things we can do to stay energized and healthy, keeping our bodies moving is right there at the top—even, and maybe especially, when we feel sluggish. There are many reasons why we might not feel like being active, but a major one… Read more »
Finding your Ideal Body Weight
Dear Being Energy Community: We are launching a new series of Being Energy weekly newsletters. We look forward to sharing practical ideas, experiences, relevant research, and guidance for creating and maintaining a vital, healthy and strong body-mind. We intend to focus on four areas, one each week: 1) Nutrition and Food, 2) The Wisdom that… Read more »
Being Energy at the Benjamin Center, Los Angeles, CA Presentation by Dr. Miles Reid
We are excited about our recent Being Energy presentation to the Cancer Support Community at the Benjamin Center in West Los Angeles, CA. The audience of cancer patients, their relatives and educators, enthusiastically received the three-part series. We introduced the basic concepts and philosophy of Being Energy to first-time listeners, and shared an introductory set… Read more »
Can Movement Define Emotion?
This fascinating study looked at how posture and movement can effect one’s emotional state. The study measured the effects of movement, motor imagery and observation of whole-body expression (body language) of emotions—happiness, fear, sadness—on the affective state. The findings show that the deliberate control of motor behavior can regulate feelings. These findings highlight a key element… Read more »
Get Stronger from the Inside Out
Being Energy’s Nutrition + Health class series is chockfull of practical information you can use to feel your best every day. These online classes are one of the best gifts you can give to yourself and your family. Our class on September 7th focused on maintaining healthy bones, muscles, tendons and joints. Here are some of… Read more »