Categoría: Acupunctura + Hierbas

Desenchúfate y Mantente en Óptimas Condiciones

Como doctor en una clínica muy ocupada, a menudo me encuentro en un predicamento similar al de mis pacientes. Esto es, cómo mantenerme enfocado y presente, sin sentir que no hay suficiente tiempo para todo lo que tengo por hacer. Desde reuniones profesionales temprano por la mañana, pasando por una fila animada de pacientes a lo largo del día, hasta el importante tiempo que paso con mi familia, para mí es clave estar vital en todo momento –estar presente física, mental y emocionalmente–.

Mudwrap2016Necesito involucrarme en escuchar activamente, en ejercitar el pensamiento crítico, planeación de negocios y habilidades motoras finas, así como hacer intervenciones médicas al mismo tiempo. Mientras hago todo esto necesito que mi corazón esté abierto y conectado, y mi espíritu agradecido y alegre. Necesito que mi memoria esté clara, mis músculos relajados y a la vez listos para la acción; que mis funciones corporales se desempeñen en equilibrio, y en general crear la energía necesaria para sostener mi día. Esta es sólo la demanda básica, sin contar otras experiencias o relaciones emocionales que pueden estar presentes en mi mente en cualquier momento. ¡Bienvenido a la vida moderna! Y agárrate de tu asiento porque este viaje sólo se volverá más intenso durante los siguientes años. El tiempo se está acelerando.

Sin importar lo que esté sucediendo en mi vida, estoy sostenido por las prácticas que aprendí de mi maestro Carlos Castaneda. En particular, me enseñó varias series de movimientos para revitalizar cuerpo y mente. Uno de sus favoritos era un movimiento muy simple, y al mismo tiempo poderoso, que llamó Activar el Cuerpo. Un nombre práctico, descriptivo (muy propio de Castaneda).

“Activar el cuerpo” significa primero relajarlo completamente y después, en una fracción de segundo y tras una súbita orden, activar todos los músculos, articulaciones e incluso órganos; a ello le sigue inmediatamente apagar todo de nuevo. El efecto de esto en el sistema nervioso es un estado de prestancia y calma al mismo tiempo –casi como cuando al tomar una ducha fría y después secar la piel, frotándola rápidamente para calentarla, se crea una descarga circulatoria a partir de la derivación del torrente sanguíneo, lo cual es muy vigorizante–. La idea de activarse es muy atrayente, pero la verdadera gema está en el estado opuesto correspondiente: desactivarse. Nuestra capacidad de estar activados se desgasta a menos que exista una capacidad equivalente y opuesta de desactivarnos.

Radiant Health2016“Tienes que activarte y desactivarte,” me dijo Carlos Castaneda. Entre mayor sea la distancia entre los estados de activación y desactivación musculares, más fuerte es la activación de la conciencia del cuerpo. Cuando aplicamos esto al músculo del corazón, lo llamamos Variabilidad del Ritmo Cardiaco (HRV), y entre mayor sea la variabilidad (entre más distancia haya entre los latidos del corazón) más saludable será el resultado a largo plazo no sólo del corazón, sino de indicadores de salud generales en todos los sistemas corporales.

Biológicamente, la desactivación es algo que nos ha sido dado. A pesar que que quizá lo hayamos olvidado ahora, estamos diseñados naturalmente para ser capaces de desactivarnos sin esfuerzo por nuestra parte. Está en nuestra naturaleza. Esto es lo que vi con mis propios ojos cuando estaba en un safari en las llanuras del Serengeti. Un par de leonas persiguió a un grupo de gacelas Impala. Las gacelas entraron en pánico y corrieron en todas direcciones. Las leonas finalmente atraparon a una de ellas, se reunieron para comérsela, y entonces, cerca de donde sucedió, el resto de los Impala regresó a pastar como si nada hubiese sucedido. Entonces, ¿por qué cuando, por ejemplo, nos sentimos traicionados por lo que alguien nos dijo nos quedamos contraídos y ansiosos durante días, meses, o incluso años?

Quienes tienen el mejor desempeño saben que la habilidad de desactivarse es tan importante como ese momento en el cual se activan. Los tenistas de élite son un gran ejemplo de ello. ¿Cómo sostiene un jugador la energía a lo largo de una partida que dura horas? Entran en ciclos de activación a desactivación y viceversa, de momento a momento. Con algunos jugadores, podría parecer que tienen todo el tiempo del mundo para enviar un servicio al otro lado de la red.

Nosotros, también, podemos tener todo el tiempo del mundo y funcionar a nuestro nivel más alto.

En nuestro Retiro en Los Angeles: Energía Radiante + Salud Radiante, te mostraremos como re-adiestrar a tu cuerpo para desactivarse cuando no necesita estar activado, de forma que puedas obtener descanso profundo, aprovechar tu energía y moverte con flexibilidad. Aprenderás a identificar patrones de tensión que sostienes en tu fascia –la fascinante red de tejido suave que se activa para ayudarnos a llevar a cabo todas las cosas que necesitamos hacer en la vida–, y liberar esos patrones para que ya no interfieran con el ciclo de activación-desactivación requerido para que te desempeñes en tu mejor nivel.


Los tiempos han cambiado, y en nuestro mundo actual aprender a adaptarnos mejor a las demandas crecientes que la vida nos plantea es vital. También ayuda mucho recibir tratamientos especializados para apoyar la renovación de tu cuerpo, así como invertir tiempo en buscar el equilibrio neurológico. Estas cosas no son lujos. Son, hoy más que nunca, necesidades.

En salud, alegría y energía,

Dr. Miles Reid

3 Razones para Dormir Más

Entonces, ¿cómo te va con esa cuestión del sueño? ¿Te sientes descansado?

Probablemente ya has oído esto, pero el sueño es realmente, realmente, importante. Dormir lo suficiente es vital para una salud y bienestar óptimos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de nosotros no conseguimos dormir lo suficiente, o dormir bien. Esto puede complicarse por los cambios hormonales, especialmente para las mujeres. (Consulta la clase de sueño Aerin para mujeres, en vivo en línea o en nuestras oficinas en Los Ángeles!)

Para todos, sin embargo, la privación del sueño puede conducir a problemas tanto inmediatos como con el tiempo. Desde accidentes a problemas de salud crónicos, la deficiencia de sueño puede ser peligrosa. Veamos por qué el buen sueño es tan importante. El sueño afecta:

  • La función cerebral
  • Salud Física
  • Desempeño y Seguridad

Las investigaciones revelan que el cerebro de hecho se encoge cuando no duermes lo suficiente. Con menos sueño, disminuye la función cognitiva y se increementa el agrandamiento ventricular (un marcador de enfermedades neurodegenerativas como la enfermedad de Alzheimer).

Un trabajo reciente del neurocientífico de Oxford Russell Foster incluso vincula los ritmos circadianos anormales a la enfermedad mental, incluidos la esquizofrenia y el trastorno bipolar.

Estudios adicionales muestran que la falta de sueño tiene un impacto directo en la memoria, el enfoque y la capacidad de tomar decisiones y controlar tus emociones. También se ha relacionado con la depresión y cambios de humor.

En el lado positivo, los estudios también indican claramente que el sueño adecuado mejora el aprendizaje y la capacidad de resolver problemas. De hecho, cuando duermes bien, tu cerebro realmente forma nuevos caminos de aprendizaje y memoria.

Salud física

Cuando se trata de la prevención de enfermedades, dormir bien es clave. Los estudios demuestran que obtener de seis a ocho horas de sueño por noche reduce el riesgo de desarrollar:

  • Obesidad
  • Diabetes
  • Enfermedad del riñón
  • Hipertensión
  • Enfermedad del corazón
  • Derrame

De hecho, se estima que entre el 30 y el 40 por ciento de todos los problemas médicos identificados por los médicos generales están directa o indirectamente relacionados con la falta de sueño.

El sueño afecta el crecimiento y el desarrollo saludables, la inmunidad, las hormonas (incluyendo las hormonas del estrés), la reacción del cuerpo a la insulina, y más.

Podría sorprenderte saber que conseguir un buen sueño es esencial para el control de peso. Se ha demostrado que el sueño influye directamente en el nivel de hormonas que te hacen sentir lleno (leptina) o hambriento (grelina). Cuando no duermes lo suficiente, tus niveles de grelina suben y bajan los de leptina, lo que te hace sentir más hambriento y más propenso a comer en exceso.

Desmpeño y Seguridad

La falta de sueño no sólo nos afecta individualmente, sino que también afecta a los que nos rodean: nuestras familias, compañeros de trabajo e incluso nuestras comunidades. El sueño insuficiente puede llevar a todo, desde la falta de concentración, el mal humor y la reducción del rendimiento físico, hasta un peligro para la seguridad pública.

Un estudio dirigido por el Dr. Charles Czeisler de la División de Sueño de la Escuela de Medicina de Harvard, por ejemplo, encontró que los errores médicos hospitalarios podrían reducirse en un 36% al limitar el trabajo del médico a 16 horas y reducir su horario de trabajo total a un máximo De 80 horas por semana.

La Administración Nacional de Seguridad de Tránsito estima que la fatiga del conductor es responsable de 100,000 accidentes reportados cada año (otros datos sugieren que los números están cerca de 1 millón de accidentes y 8,000 muertes al año). La privación de sueño también se identificó como un factor significativo en el accidente nuclear de 1979 en Three Mile Island y en el desastre nuclear de 1986 en Chernobyl.

Dormir más

Está claro que la privación del sueño es un asunto serio. Entonces, ¿qué podemos hacer para mejorar nuestra calidad y cantidad de sueño? Puedes comprar nuestro video bajo demanda Dormir, Reparación del Cuerpo y Sueños.

También puedes descargar los mini-movimientos guiados por Aerin, para practicarlos en cama y caer dormido rápidamente y despertar renovado.

Por ahora, ¿cuánto sueño es suficiente para dormir? Los estudios demuestran que, para la mayoría de los adultos, de seis a ocho horas por noche es óptimo.

Deseándote buenos sueños,

Dr. Reid

Mind over Matter?

How powerfully do our thoughts influence our health and wellbeing?

The intricate connections between mind and body are only beginning to be scientifically understood. What we do know at this time is:

  • Our emotions affect our physiology
  • The brain is an amazingly adaptable and powerful organ
  • Regular exercise can improve memory and cognitive functioning

neurons-human-brain-cells-under-a-microscope-patternStudies continue to illuminate the interrelationships between the mind and body, and suggest that we only understand a small fraction of what we’re capable of (see what Drs. Deepak Chopra, Dan Siegel and others say on Discovery). What has become clear is that what we think, feel and believe plays a role in how our DNA expresses itself.

So what can we do with what we do know? We can be self-empowered in our own healing process. We can think loving thoughts, be compassionate in our relationships with others, exercise and eat healthfully. We can recapitulate, meditate and form health partnerships with caring and knowledgeable health-care providers.

The relationship between psychology and the immune system, between mind and body, is at the core of my medical practice, and helps inform my Being Energy classes.

Cool It Down! Foods to Eat for Summer Vitality

We’re thinking about longevity lately, and sustainability.

Can what you eat really make a difference to your longevity? Yes! In fact, your daily food choices affect your mood and health both in the moment and well down the road.

First and foremost, aim to eat according to the season. This is a key for aging with vitality. It gives your body the necessary nutrients to function at its best at any given time.

In the summer heat, it’s smart to focus on cooling foods. In fact, in both the spring and summer, you want to nourish your yang energy and eat foods that are cooling by nature. Whereas the fall and winter are the yin-predominant seasons—so when we move into the fall season (just around the corner!), it will be time to nourish your yin energy with warming foods. 

Spring and Summer Diet

For those of you in the southern hemisphere, or when the season turns for us here in the north, keep these recommendations in mind.

Springtime is a perfect time to nourish the liver, and do our Being Energy Detox Program!

Also, you’ll want to eat pungent foods to help your liver—ginger, onion, garlic and chives are good. But avoid excessively spicy, hot, greasy, fried and sour foods throughout the spring and summer.

draft_lens1509672module9684140photo_1251757618cucumber_flowerThough you want to eat cooling foods during the spring and summer months, note that it’s best to avoid ice water (ice water damages the stomach energy). Instead focus on foods with cooling energy, like cucumber, watermelon, celery, tomatoes, strawberries and mung beans.

Recommended Foods for the Season                      
  • Vitamin C
  • Cucumber
  • Melons
  • Squash
  • Celery (juice is great)
  • Jicama
  • Zucchini
  • Corn
  • Water chestnuts
  • Aloe vera
  • Beets
  • Watercress
  • Clam or oyster shell soup
 Foods to Avoid
  • Barbecued, toasted, baked foods
  • greasy and/or fried foods
  • hot spices
  • alcohol
  • coffee (replace with green tea)

Fall and Winter Diet    

As we move into the cooler months, it will be time to focus on warming our bodies. A simple and enjoyable way to do this is to eat more soups and stews. Walnuts and lamb are also excellent foods for the season (lamb is the most warming of all red meats).

Especially during the fall, favor sour foods and avoid spicy foods. Incorporate more pears, yams, aloe vera, soy and honey into your diet.

Recommended Foods for the Season                                        
  • Baked or roasted foods
  • Meats–game meats and lamb are best
  • Ginger, cardamom, fennel, clove, scallions, anise, pepper
  • Cherries
  • Walnuts
  • Seeds (any kind)
  • Green beans
  • Chinese chives
  • Horseradish
  • Azuki beans
  • Supplement with green algae or chlorophyll powder (2 spoonfuls)
Foods to Avoid
  • cold, raw foods
  • dairy products

800px-Celery_1We think these tips will help keep you balanced throughout the seasons, which is a key to a long and healthy life.

For more in-depth nutrition and health information, we invite you to participate in Being Energy’s Nutrition + Health classes—these classes are taught live online about once a month.

Our next class airs live on September 19 at 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time, and will be all about the senses.

Yours in health,
Dr. Miles Reid


The Fountain of Youth: 3 Ancient Formulas that Work

Some things stand the test of time, while others fade away. When it comes to staying youthful, Chinese Medicine offers an herbal treasure trove for our bustling modern lives. What’s more, Chinese herbs can be used together with key nutritional supplements for broad support of your health and longevity.

schisandra-vineThe following supplements, herbs and herbal formulas are safe, yet potent, and some even have a centuries-long track record. Incorporating some of these into your daily routine may be an investment that pays huge dividends.

From Vitamin D and calcium to ginseng and Zhi Shi, these powerhouse products reduce inflammation, strengthen the organs and more to slow and even reverse biological aging. (Of course, check with your doctor before taking any nutritional supplements or herbs—you’re always welcome to contact our clinic for an in-person or Skype consultation: 310-231-3500 or

Nutritional Supplements

These supplements, taken in a split dose, half in the morning and half in the evening, have been proven effective in reducing inflammation, regulating cortisol and more.

  • Vitamin D3 (1000 IU)
  • Calcium (600 mg)
  • Magnesium (200 mg)
  • Multivitamin (we likeUsana Essentials)

Chinese Herbal Formulas

The following are also recommended in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and have proven their worth over time:

  • Gingseng
  • Cordyceps
  • Ashwaganda
  • Reishi mushroom
  • Astragalus
  • Schizandra

In fact, TCM provides a deep well of knowledge with respect to anti-aging and longevity, with herbal formulas that are tailored for maximum effect. These are three of my favorites:

  • Zhi Shi (circulatory promoter)
  • Mu Xiang (circulatory promoter)
  • Shan Zha (digestive herb)

For the ideal supplements and dosages for you, contact us to schedule a consultation. Acupuncture treatments work in conjunction with supplementation to promote youthful energy, and address specific health concerns.


Acupuncture is a remarkably powerful tool for restoring balance, maintaining health and promoting longevity. It stimulates the flow of qi (energy), improves organ function, reduces inflammation, regulates hormones and relaxes the mind and body.

To schedule your consultation or acupuncture treatment, contact us at 310-231-3500 or email

Also, check out our Nutrition + Health class series for the latest information and tips on a variety of topics.

To your longevity,
Dr. Miles Reid

Como Ser Flexible para Mantenerse Fuerte

Movement. Energy. Health. Vitality. It’s all tied together. We think it’s important to take the whole into consideration. But to understand the whole, you must look at the parts, and vice versa.

Movement is a key part of what we teach in our classes and workshops because movement, in one way or another, is a fundamental part of life, and a key for staying healthy and happy.

We want to cultivate flexible movement. To be flexible is also to be strong.

In a presentation during one of our Nutrition + Health classes this year, our colleague Jordan Hoffman shared some philosophy and simple exercises of Aikido. Jordan is a longtime Aikido practitioner, and 2nd Degree black belt, in addition to being an outstanding acupuncturist. He shared some valuable insights.

Because the class theme was bones, tendons and muscles, Jordan spoke about keeping the tendons and ligaments nice and open, and how this enables energy to flow throughout the body.  In every healthy joint there is space. That space allows for comfortable, easy movement. When we’re stressed, tight or tense, we tend to contract, reducing that space, which results in more tightness and tension. This also slows us down, and creates an environment ripe for injury. But if we’re supple, we can move faster with more fluidly and grace. When presented with an obstacle, the more supple we are, the better we can navigate in the situation.

Think about the branch of a young tree. You can bend it and it won’t break; it remains flexible; but an old branch can snap. Just so, we want to keep our bones and joints supple. We want to be able to move easily with the winds of change and challenge.

An inspiring example of flexibility and grace at any age is Aikido’s founder, Morihei Ueshiba (December 14, 1883 – April 26, 1969). In this video from 1935, these qualities, and more, are made clear.

Here, you can see his last public demonstration, in 1969, at the age of 85 (it’s a little fuzzy, but nonetheless worth watching).

So how can we embody this? What can we do to meet the challenges of life with power and grace? We can start with awareness.

At the end of every day, you might notice that you feel shorter, tighter, contracted, more compressed. Cultivating awareness is an important step in remaining strong yet flexible. Hold the image in your mind of spaciousness in your joints. Think of elongating your spine. If you’re standing and notice that your knees are locked, soften them, letting the energy flow through the joint and through your body.

To your health, strength and suppleness,
Dr. Miles Reid

Jump the Gap! How to Live Fully Right Now

“If your mind stops on the sword your opponent is swinging at you, a gap opens up; and in that gap your action falters. If there is no gap between your opponent’s striking sword and your action, the sword of the adversary will become your sword. A mind like a spark means the state of mind where there is no gap. When flint is struck, sparks fly at once . . .  There is no interval for the mind to linger . . .  If attention lingers, your mind is taken over by others.” Zen Master Takuan (1573 – 1645), from The Unfettered Mind

Taiso_-_Ronin_fending_off_arrows_cph.3g08655Are you living the life you want to live? Is there a gap in your mind? A falter in your action?

For many of us, there is a divide between the life we are living now and the life that we want to live. How do we jump that gap? A state of joy, balance and harmony involves the body as much as it does the mind, spirit and emotions.

As a healthcare provider, I look at helping my patients fortify their bodies to bring greater joy to their lives.

I advise all of my patients to have an annual physical that includes systems-based laboratory testing. This type of testing gives you and the doctor a comprehensive picture of your current state of health, and identifies nutritional imbalances and toxicities that underlay chronic disease.

  • Are you getting enough of the basic nutrients for maintaining optimal health?
  • Are you absorbing what you take in through your food?
  • Is your body eliminating toxins properly?
  • Are your systems in balance?

The answers to these questions can be found through some key medical tests. For example, an Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis evaluates the level of red cell membrane fatty acids. Imbalances in these fatty acids significantly affect inflammatory and other disorders.

Knowing your baselines will act as the guide for making important changes in your dietary and lifestyle choices, and reveal the nutritional supplements that will help you feel and be your best. Fortified with this information, I can recommend specific supplements and an acupuncture protocol that will help you thrive.

Doing this testing once a year is a key step in closing the gap between the life you’re living now and enjoying the life you want to live, with energy, clarity and balance.

LA_Featured_2We invite you to experience a state of being where there is no gap. We’re offering our first Los Angeles Being Energy retreat, September 4 – 6. This retreat is unlike any we’ve ever done. Each participant will have personalized health treatments as well as enjoy dynamic group classes.

Take just three days to revitalize and close the gap to live more healthfully and joyfully. Learn more and register.

One Powerhouse Supplement for Glowing Health

Called the “Mushroom of Immortality”, reishi is a powerhouse supplement with a variety of benefits. From its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties to help with cancer and AIDS, it’s one of my favorite products. We incorporate reishi in our detoxification programs, and recommend it to help boost the immune system during flu season.

ChenhungshoGANODERMAReishi may be the most highly respected medicinal mushroom in Asia. In ancient times, it was reserved for Chinese royalty to extend life and improve health, and it is just as highly regarded today—but now you don’t have to be a royal to enjoy its benefits. Reishi mushroom has been used to treat:

  • Cancer
  • VIral infections
  • Inflammation
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • HIV and AIDS
  • Fatigue

To find out if reishi mushroom supplements might benefit you, you’re welcome to schedule an in-person or Skype consultation. To contact our clinic for a session, email or phone 310-231-3500.

You may also be interested in reading what the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center says about the benefits of reishi in cancer treatment.

Wishing you vitality,
Dr. Miles Reid

7 Reasons to Try an Infrared Sauna Session

What can boost circulation, ease muscle tension, promote weight loss and activate the release of toxins from your system? An infrared sauna session. What’s even better: You get to relax while the sauna does all the work!

DSC_0601Detoxification is a big theme for us right now—the spring season is a perfect time to detoxify and activate rejuvenation. There are so many tools to help us reenergize with a “spring cleaning” and each has its role to play. What we love about the infrared sauna is that it offers multiple benefits all wrapped up in the feeling of giving yourself a spa treatment.

In fact, an infrared sauna session is one of the most popular detox services at our clinic—either enjoyed on its own or in conjunction with other treatments such as acupuncture and massage.

An infrared sauna provides a deep and gently penetrating heat. It operates at a lower temperature than traditional saunas and so can feel more comfortable, and yet has even greater benefits. It emits a red spectrum wavelength that research shows to be safe and therapeutic (far infrared rays are even used in hospitals to warm newborn babies).

Benefits include:

  1. Detoxification
  2. Weight loss
  3. Improved circulation
  4. Reduced stress and improved sleep
  5. Joint and muscle pain relief and faster injury recovery
  6. Uplifted mood
  7. Stronger immune system

These are seven great reasons to give the infrared sauna a try.


Studies show that the sweat you release in an infrared sauna session contains less water and up to six times more fat, toxins and impurities than regular sweat.

Weight Loss

When you produce sweat, you expend energy. An infrared sauna session also activates your metabolic rate so that you burn calories at a higher rate for hours after your session. Of course, in any sauna, you’ll lose water weight, which is readily regained, but the calories that you burn can translate into real and sustainable weight loss.

Improved Circulation and Heart Health

The sauna naturally stimulates circulation, increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin to dissipate heat.  Your heart rate and metabolic rate increase while blood pressure drops. In fact, research has shown that a 15 – 30-minute infrared sauna session can result in dramatic reductions in blood pressure.

In a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, repeated infrared sauna sessions resulted in improved vascular and cardiac function, and reduced symptoms of  chronic heart failure (CHF) in patients diagnosed with CHF.

Reduced Stress and Improved Sleep

An infrared sauna session promotes relaxation and stimulates endorphins, effectively reducing stress and resulting in improved sleep for many who try it.

sauna1-520x258Joint and Muscle Pain Relief and Speedier Injury and Wound Recovery

The therapeutic heat from far infrared waves penetrates deeply into the tissues, helping to relieve joint and muscle pain. The increased blood flow also promotes wound healing and recovery from injury.

It’s also be shown to reduce pain from chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, chronic back pain, fibromyalgia and more.

Uplifted Mood

Far infrared rays are said to mimic the benefits of natural sunlight and chase the blues away. An infrared sauna session can uplift your mood and combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), symptoms of which include depression, irritability and lethargy.

Stronger Immune System

The heat from the sauna creates what might be called an “artificial fever”–the body’s core temperature increases to the point beyond which certain microbes can tolerate. Blood circulation and the production of white blood cells increase to combat colds, flu and other infections.

All this, and it also improves the look and feel of your skin. The increased blood flow and collagen production from an infrared sauna session, combined with the flushing out of toxins can improve skin health and give you a glowing appearance.

Curious to give it a try? Call our Los Angeles clinic to schedule a session: 310-231-3500.

Dr. Miles Reid

Get Stronger from the Inside Out

Being Energy’s Nutrition + Health class series is chockfull of practical information you can use to feel your best every day. These online classes are one of the best gifts you can give to yourself and your family.

Our class on September 7th focused on maintaining healthy bones, muscles, tendons and joints.


Here are some of the things that class participants learned:

  • Seven fruits and vegetables that help rejuvenate your joints
  • Three simple rules to boost your muscle function
  • Two acupressure points to promote power in your arms and legs
  • Four acupressure points that release tension and stress in the soft tissue
  • Two acupressure points to relieve stiff neck and joints
  • Best nutrients for optimal joint health

Being Energy’s Nutrition + Health classes give you information you can use right away to function optimally. Even more, the online format means that you can join in from wherever you are in the world.

This is a series that you won’t want to miss! We present new Nutrition + Health classes almost every month. For the class schedule, and more information, please visit Monthly Classes – Nutrition + Health.