Liguria, Italy
May 7-12, 2025
Three-Day Workshop May 9-11
Individual Treatments May 7-9 & May 11-12
Flower world is the merging of mystery with the visible world. Flower world is Quetzalcoatl’s intent to unite, the union of our two sides, and of all sides.
For the men and women shamans who lived in ancient Mesoamerica, the ancient Maya, Toltecs and Teotihuacanos, flower world referred to the state of awareness that our consciousness enters at night, during sleep, or like in the ecliptic of the Sun, to the unseen side of our world, the invisible side.
The Sun the Moon and Venus, also known as Quetzalcoatl, were the three primary references in their life, sacred entities that shaped their states of consciousness. Every city in ancient Mesoamerica was seen as a manifestation and personification of flower world, or Venus, in the visible world.
The union of the visible and the invisible is the flower world. When we think of the Sun, we see it rising and then setting at the end of the day. It seems that the Sun is gone, but it is simply hiding behind the invisible, continuing to exist. This is flower world.
In the human body, our own genetic code, within the nucleus of our cells, is a manifestation of the invisible in us. This flower world within contains also our epigenome, where all the gene expressions are orchestrated and regulated.
Decoding that epigenetic code through unifying our parts can lead to astonishing transformations
Our tools for Decoding during the Retreat
The Recapitulation Technique
The not-doings of The Code
The passes for Self-importance
Taisha’s Breath and the dowel
Journaling a new syntax
This special workshop-retreat unifies Carlos Castaneda’s intent for using the Code passes for not-doing, to stop the continuity of the old self, together with Taisha Abelar’s art of Recapitulation, to re-invent and remake ourselves NEW.
- Specific energy movements from what is called The Ancient Seers’ Code – one of the most mysterious of the not-doings energy passes, practiced on a mat.
In each session, during hypnotic states of deep lulls following these passes, participants will be guided through awareness and recapitulation techniques
- Specific sets of energy movements, belonging to the line of energy passes linked to the nagual Lujan, called Defeating Self-Importance – practiced standing, with a wooden stick.
In each session, after a continuous execution of the movements to drums, participants will be guided through awareness and recapitulation techniques.
- Specific breathing techniques- inducing heightened states of awareness through mild respiratory alkalosis – practiced sitting, in tandem with a wooden dowel.
In each session, after a continuous cycle of active breaths and long holds, participants will be guided through awareness and recapitulation techniques while resting their third eyes onto the dowel.
Learn about the details of this ancient tradition from Dr. Miles Reid, one of the principal original teachers trained directly by Carlos Castaneda.
‘The Recapitulation takes us to the discovery of our story, and, with it, to the possibility of changing it. When that happens, two corollaries take place. On the one hand, we begin to change, and hidden resources emerge from within ourselves. Secondly, a lot of energy is redeployed, by being reallocated to other areas of our being, freed from having to uphold that story.” – Miles Reid
For this retreat in Italy, we will dive deep into the specific line of passes of the Ancient Seer’s Code, which I hold in safekeeping. Under their auspices, and my teacher’s intent, we will endeavor to stop our story, again and again, and immediately then recapitulate that story, and, between both energetic endeavors, attempt to make a jump, in terms of awareness.

“Don Juan said that in the strategic inventories of warriors, self-importance figures as the activity that consumes the greatest amount of energy hence their effort to eradicate it. One of the first concerns of warriors is to free that energy in order to face the unknown with it.” – Carlos Castaneda
I had a very personal link with Carlos Castaneda as it regards to his energy passes. He took me directly under his wing and trained me to teach them to the public, often telling me that I reminded him of himself when he was my age. During that time, he infused me with his energy, with the precision in which he did them, and with his same aim, placed on the abstract. It has now been thirty years and counting!
At the level of the energy passes, I practice them the way Kylie Lundahl, another of his direct apprentices, practiced them. And we both practiced them the way the nagual Carlos Castaneda practiced them. That’s why we were both in his book Magical Passes. We worked together intensely and deeply throughout the process of that book with him. Fully immersive, 16-hour long days, where we broke down every aspect of the passes and explored every nuance of their energetic implications.
Every time I went to Carlos Castaneda’s house, it felt like magic. It was always such a mysterious affair, being called out of the blue at all hours of the night, inviting to go over.
“What are you doing?”, he would say. “Ocupado?”
“Oh, nothing nagual”. I would answer eagerly, no matter how tired it was, or busy at the moment and so he would invite me to go over for a moment.
“Take all the time you need, caballero!”. And then he will pause and add:
“But hurry up!“
During those sessions, he would teach me different lines of passes in precise ways for me to teach them in his workshops. We could spend a long time on them, but then anytime, there were things he would never repeat. In those moments, it was a one-time instruction that’s it. Once I asked him to repeat what seemed like an important piece and he stopped me on my tracks.
“No, this is it!” he said, cuttingly. There was no room, but to claim the moment 100%. So, I had to be always on my toes. I would rush to my car at the end of our sessions, turn on a small flashlight I had at the time, and write down profuse notes while I redid the movements in my awareness.
The first step toward freedom is to shed self-importance. It’s a hard battle, but once you conquer it, everything becomes possible.” – Carlos Castaneda
I so loved those movements! I could remember them perfectly as if I had always done them. My body, Miles Reid’s body, related to them deeply. I felt aligned through the passes and I have come to see them from the perspective of my unusual circumstances coming both from the Western sciences into shamanism, and through the lenses of Daoist thought, as well.
Kylie was a tremendously inspiring being to me. She and I got along really well. Up to that point, there were no real social interactions between Castaneda’s male and female direct apprentices. But Kylie and I, under the auspices of the nagual himself, would call each other late at night and pass on updates and news to one another regarding our respective guys and girls apprentices. I am forever connected to her through the energy passes, every time I do them, just as I’m forever connected to Taisha Abelar, my energy auntie, through lines of inexplicable affection and harmony.
“The first thing a warrior must eliminate is the need for self-importance.” — The Wheel of Time
What should you bring to the Workshop
During sessions, please have available:
– Water bottle to refill
– Comfortable walking shoes
– Comfortable clothes for practicing physical movements
– Notebook (Navigator’s Log) & pen
– A Mat
– A pillow or a folded big towel
What is a navigator’s Log? Que es una bitácora de navegación?
- Part of the essential tool kit for recapitulation includes using a navigator’s log, or a set of them.
- A navigator log is a place for self-exploration, for specificity, reflection and integration.
- It’s a companion for navigationnotes,ideas, beliefs and syntactic
- It allows a higher clarity in syntactic details which have direct impact in our perceptual states.
- You can put your name in the first page and a declaration of intent, your personal intent.
Individual Treatments
Take a Set of Treatments before & after the Workshop
Dr. Miles Reid will offer personalized treatments on Wednesday May 7, Thursday May 8 and Friday May 9 (before the workshop), and on Sunday May 11 in the afternoon and Monday May 12 in the morning.
The Workshop starts Friday at 6 pm and ends Sunday at 1:30 pm
The Treatments start Wednesday at 3 pm and end Monday at 2:30 pm
Wednesday, May 7
3:00 pm to 8:00 pm Individual Treatments in Chiavari
Thursday, May 8
10:00 am to 7:00 pm Individual Treatments in Chiavari
Friday, May 9
8:00 am to 10:30 am Special Early Morning Group Walk (from Chaivari)
12:30 pm to 5:00 pm Individual Treatments in Chiavari
6:00 pm to 6:30 pm Registration & Orientation
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm Evening Session
Saturday, May 10
8:30 am to 9:15 am Early Session
9:15 am to 10:00 am Breakfast
10:00 am to 1:00 pm Morning Session
1:00 pm to 3:30 pm Lunch & Break
3:30 pm to 6:30 pm Afternoon Session
6:30 pm to 7:45 pm Dinner
7:45 pm to 9:30 pm Evening Session
Sunday, May 11
8:30 am to 9:15 am Early Session
9:15 am to 10:00 am Breakfast
10:00 am to 1:30 pm Morning Closing Session
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Lunch
3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Individual Treatments at Retreat grounds
Monday, May 12
9:30 am to 2:30 pm Individual Treatments in Chiavari
*Note: Schedules and activities are subject to change during the event.
We have arranged for food during the seminar delicious, healthy, and in community
The workshop will be held at: Rifugio Lago delle Lame
Localitá Lago delle Lame 78, Rezzoaglio Genova
The Treatments will be held at: VIVOLAB
Via Giorgio Canale, 70, 16043 Chiavari GE, Italy
Transport Details: FROM CHIAVARI The Retreat is reached by private car or by taxi. Group pick ups might be arranged from Magnasco train station from Chiavari, for those who arrive via public transport.
To see lodging options near the WORKSHOP AND TREATMENTS, CLICK HERE
3-Day Workshop: €445
Early Bird till March 31 €395
* Tuition support based on need will be available – inquire with local organizers
Individual Treatments €235
*3 or more treatments €215
Room & Board
Single Occupancy, Bed and Breakfast, per room per night (1 person): €110
Book now!
Your Italy Dream Team
Rosa Anna Lapore
+39 329-221-4706 Cel o WhatsApp
email: lepore.rosaanna@gmail.com
Assunta Preziozi
+39-333-318-4068 Cel o WhatsApp
email: assuntapreziosi57@gmail.com
Pier Paolo Brescia
+39-346 088 2114 Cel o WhatsApp
email: pierpab@me.com