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The Energy Life Sciences Institute

Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science

At the Institute, we offer you advanced health and perception solutions to help you develop your full potential.

We apply a simple concept to advance all your other goals: How can we help you generate more available energy?

With more energy, all your health goals can be met faster and easier. But not only that, with more energy you feel more positive, more resilient, happier and more fulfilled.

We do it in 3 ways:

  • integrative medicine acupuncture, cupping, nutrition, herbal formulas and detox programs heal you and promote your physical and mental health
  • movement exercises and body awareness to increase your energy and vitality
  • awareness classes and courses where you learn how to understand who you are, how to live following your heart and how to develop your awareness and presence.

ELSI is a center for health and learning. At the Institute, we apply this methodology in conjunction with the conscious and skilled use of therapeutic modalities to address you physical, mental and emotional health. We focus on disease and injury prevention, immune system support, pain management, infertility, hormonal balance, physical resilience and disease reversal… Learn More.

Medicine and Medical Healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shamanism & Spiritual Psychology

Dr. Miles Reid offers individual treatments and consults for those interested in an energy solution and a vitality boost, with an integrative counsel and treatments on any health issue, physical, emotional or spiritual.

With a Western biomedical background and a specialized training in Oriental Medicine and Shamanism, Dr. Reid brings to you a unique set of skills to support your success, fulfillment and self-awareness, as well as strategies and skills for handling work, relationships and family that have a direct impact on your physical health.

When you are under the care and guiding of Dr. Reid, you get a complete health support and a fully personalized coaching, with an integration between all levels of your life, work, family relationships and personal growth.

In addition to individual treatments and consults, Miles offers coaching and shamanistic training, one-in-one and to groups, in classes, retreats and private events. As an educator, Miles Reid is one of only a few direct apprentices of Carlos Castaneda teaching internationally today, including on the practice of energy passes, recapitulation and dreaming as pragmatic tools to enhance one’s awareness and energy.


  • Acupuncture and Shamanistic Acupuncture
  • Herbal prescriptions and Nutritional medicine
  • Functional Medicine Lab testing and Systems Biology
  • Energy Passes* movements for energy redeployment and health
  • Detoxification Programs, Enemas & Sinus Cleanses
  • Tuina, therapeutic bodywork, Cupping and bleeding techniques
  • Psychoneuroimmunology—training thoughts, images and physical responses
  • Laser Intranasal & Ionized Oxygen
  • Sensory development and biomechanical integration
  • Electrostimulation Advanced Neurocare
  • Perception, Dreaming Attention and Consciousness development
  • Guided Imagery and Intention skills

Maximize your performance and outcomes in your life through Confidence Enthusiasm and Positivity. Consult, treat and practice with Miles to receive an energy boost.

What is an energy boost?

The reassurance that someone is right there with you, understanding you, encouraging you, supporting you and giving you tools, solutions and guidance.

* Energy passes are movements and breaths, practiced either standing, sitting or on the mat, that originate in a tradition of shamans from ancient Mexico, and which bring an increase in vitality, awareness and energy in those who practice them.

Watch a sample energy pass that you can practice anytime, anyplace!

Energy Pass 1

Energy Pass 2

Treatments + Health Solutions

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture stimulates the immune system, regulates healing responses and releases pain-killing bio-chemicals such as endorphins. It has been proven to effectively relieve musculoskeletal and internal organ pain.

Detoxification and Functional Medicine

Our comprehensive detoxification program focus on reviving your internal organs and restoring your energy using scientifically validated methods, including targeted nutrition, intranasal laser, emotional release and more.

Women’s Health and Fertility

We specialize in women’s health and fertility, helping you to recover your energy at any age. We successfully treat PMS, PMDD and menopausal health concerns, and offer natural alternatives to Hormone Replacement (HRT).

Pain Relief and Bodywork Treatments

We offer methods to efficiently relieve chronic pain and movement challenges. They include bodywork modalities, Tui-na Chinese massage, movement therapy, cupping and herbal medicinals.

Advanced Integrative Medicine for a Lifelong Vitality

Prevent.   Heal.   Renew.

We offer a variety of services and products, designed to energetically transform and improve your health at all levels, mind, body and spirit. Explore the full range of our online and onsite consultations and treatments, as well as detoxification and weight loss programs and more.

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 Online Life Wellness

Individual Consultations

Dr. Miles Reid is offering individual consultations, couples coaching and special concierge medicine. Read more

Nutrition Webinars

Join our Video Libraries on Nutrition for your Body and Energy, Detoxification Information, Mindful Movements and Guided Visualizations for Optimal Energy and Health.

Energy Life Sciences Immune Booster Programs

Our 21-day Individual Energy Life Sciences Immune Booster Program is a popular integrative detoxification program that gives your body a break from foods that may be irritating to your system, and helps support and strengthen your lymphatic system and the organs that eliminate toxins from your body.

News + Blog

Our Organs Have Their Own Consciousness And We Can Talk to Them

My teacher Carlos Castaneda taught me this: Our Organs Have Their Own Consciousness And We Can Talk to Them This year marks the 20th anniversary of the departure of my dear teacher and guide Carlos Castaneda. I met him in the mid-nineties as a young doctor looking for a deeper meaning in my path as a… Read more »

Young, Vital and on the Move: The Vascular System

It would not be an exaggeration to say that young vessels equate to young age and that a healthy, vital flow in the blood vessels makes every other part of your body shine and function well. Open yourself up to discovering the universal flow and connections that are inherent in your arteries, veins and lymph... Read more »

Our New Step in Evolution: From homo sapiens to homo universalis

This is an exciting moment for us as human beings. Today, we are in a time that calls for a jump, for a rapid change, not just because we can but because we must. This is not the time to sit on the sidelines, to be a passive traveler of life. Life on the planet... Read more »


Decoding The Code
Come To Become One

A WORKSHOP ON RECAPITULATION Liguria, Italy May 7-12, 2025 Individual Treatments May 7-9 & May 11-12 Three-Day Workshop May 9-11 The Workshop is hosted at Rifugio Lago delle Lame  Decoding that epigenetic code through unifying our parts can lead to astonishing transformations This special workshop-retreat unifies Carlos Castaneda’s intent for using the Code passes for... Read more »

Tertulias: Community Gathering Series

NEW! Watch the full video of the Community Gathering Introduction to the Community Gatherings Spanish Join Me for a Conversation on The Warrior's Way WHEN: Saturday April 5, 9:30 am, PST WHERE: Right on my Instagram Page HOW TO JOIN: 1. Make sure you're following me so you don't miss it! 2. On the day... Read more »

What’s New in Community Gatherings for 2025

Tertulias: Community Gathering Series THE NEXT COMMUNITY GATHERING WILL BE:          SATURDAY, April 5, 2025  ROADMAP TO ITALY   The Shaman’s Pursuit of Remaking Oneself  Join it through Instagram Live!  Share and hear stories of success, moving stories, stories of awareness. Join Me for a Conversation on The Warrior’s Way WHEN: Saturday April 5, 9:30 am,... Read more »

Success Stories

“I have never felt more alive and more energetic! I owe it all to you.”

“I went to Dr. Reid due to a chronic pain in my right shoulder, that had been getting progressively worse over the last two years. No other treatment had worked and it had gotten to the point that I couldn’t raise my arm past my shoulder without severe pain. After just one session with Dr. Reid, I was able to swing my arm over my head with barely a twinge. By the end of the second treatment, it was as if the pain had never existed. I was amazed at how quickly the treatments worked. Two sessions ended two years of pain. It really was amazing. “

– J. M. , Beverly Hills