“If your mind stops on the sword your opponent is swinging at you, a gap opens up; and in that gap your action falters. If there is no gap between your opponent’s striking sword and your action, the sword of the adversary will become your sword. A mind like a spark means the state of mind where there is no gap. When flint is struck, sparks fly at once . . . There is no interval for the mind to linger . . . If attention lingers, your mind is taken over by others.” Zen Master Takuan (1573 – 1645), from The Unfettered Mind
Are you living the life you want to live? Is there a gap in your mind? A falter in your action?
For many of us, there is a divide between the life we are living now and the life that we want to live. How do we jump that gap? A state of joy, balance and harmony involves the body as much as it does the mind, spirit and emotions.
As a healthcare provider, I look at helping my patients fortify their bodies to bring greater joy to their lives.
I advise all of my patients to have an annual physical that includes systems-based laboratory testing. This type of testing gives you and the doctor a comprehensive picture of your current state of health, and identifies nutritional imbalances and toxicities that underlay chronic disease.
- Are you getting enough of the basic nutrients for maintaining optimal health?
- Are you absorbing what you take in through your food?
- Is your body eliminating toxins properly?
- Are your systems in balance?
The answers to these questions can be found through some key medical tests. For example, an Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis evaluates the level of red cell membrane fatty acids. Imbalances in these fatty acids significantly affect inflammatory and other disorders.
Knowing your baselines will act as the guide for making important changes in your dietary and lifestyle choices, and reveal the nutritional supplements that will help you feel and be your best. Fortified with this information, I can recommend specific supplements and an acupuncture protocol that will help you thrive.
Doing this testing once a year is a key step in closing the gap between the life you’re living now and enjoying the life you want to live, with energy, clarity and balance.
We invite you to experience a state of being where there is no gap. We’re offering our first Los Angeles retreat, September 4 – 6. This retreat is unlike any we’ve ever done. Each participant will have personalized health treatments as well as enjoy dynamic group classes.