Category: Workshops and Retreats

Decoding The Code
Come To Become One


Liguria, Italy

May 7-12, 2025

Individual Treatments May 7-9 & May 11-12

Three-Day Workshop May 9-11

The Workshop is hosted at Rifugio Lago delle Lame 

Decoding that epigenetic code through unifying our parts can lead to astonishing transformations

This special workshop-retreat unifies Carlos Castaneda’s intent for using the Code passes for not-doing, to stop the continuity of the old self, together with Taisha Abelar’s art of Recapitulation, to re-invent and remake ourselves NEW.


  • Specific energy movements from what is called The Ancient Seers’ Code – one of the most mysterious of the not-doings energy passes, practiced on a mat.

In each session, during hypnotic states of deep lulls following these passes, participants will be guided through awareness and recapitulation techniques

  • Specific sets of energy movements, belonging to the line of energy passes linked to the nagual Lujan, called Defeating Self-Importance – practiced standing, with a wooden stick.

In each session, after a continuous execution of the movements to drums, participants will be guided through awareness and recapitulation techniques.

  • Specific breathing techniques- inducing heightened states of awareness through mild respiratory alkalosis – practiced sitting, in tandem with a wooden dowel.

In each session, after a continuous cycle of active breaths and long holds, participants will be guided through awareness and recapitulation techniques while resting their third eyes onto the dowel.

Our tools for Decoding during the Retreat

The Recapitulation Technique
The not-doings of The Code
The passes for Self-importance
Taisha’s Breath and the dowel
Journaling a new syntax

Dear Participants,

For this retreat in Italy, we will dive deep into the specific line of passes of the Ancient Seer’s Code, which I hold in safekeeping.
Under their auspices, and my teacher’s intent, we will endeavor to stop our story, again and again, and immediately then recapitulate that story, and, between both energetic endeavors, attempt to make a jump, in terms of awareness.

Miles Reid

The Recapitulation takes us to the discovery of our story, and, with it, to the possibility of changing it. When that
happens, two corollaries take place. On the one hand, we begin to change, and hidden resources emerge from within ourselves. Secondly, a lot of energy is redeployed, by being reallocated to other areas of our being, freed from having to uphold that story.


The workshop will be held at: Rifugio Lago delle Lame
Localitá Lago delle Lame 78, Rezzoaglio Genova

The Treatments will be held at: VIVOLAB
Via Giorgio Canale, 70, 16043 Chiavari GE, Italy

Transport Details: FROM CHIAVARI The Retreat is reached by private car or by taxi. Group pick ups might be arranged from Magnasco train station from Chiavari, for those who arrive via public transport.

Further details on lodging options near the WORKSHOP AND TREATMENTS coming soon. In the meantime, feel free to email us.

Schedule Details

Wednesday, May 7
Liguria, Italy

3:00 pm to 8:00 pm            Individual Treatments in Chiavari

Thursday, May 8
Liguria, Italy

10:00 am to 7:00 pm           Individual Treatments in Chiavari

Friday, May 9
Liguria, Italy

8:00 am to 10:30 am           Special Early Morning Group Walk (from Chaivari)

12:30 pm to 5:00 pm           Individual Treatments in Chiavari

6:00 pm to 6:30 pm            SEMINAR REGISTRATION & ORIENTATION

6:30 pm to 9:00 pm            Evening Session 

Saturday, May 10 – WORSKSHOP DAY
Liguria, Italy

8:30 am to 9:15 am            Early Session

9:15 am to 10:00 am           Breakfast

10:00 am to 1:00 pm          Morning Session

1:00 pm to 3:30 pm            Lunch & Break

3:30 pm to 6:30 pm            Afternoon Session

6:30 pm to 7:45 pm            Dinner

7:45 ​​pm to 9:30 pm            Evening Session

Sunday, May 11 – WORSKSHOP DAY
Liguria, Italy

8:30 am to 9:15 am            Early Session

9:15 am to 10:00 am          Breakfast

10:00 am to 1:30 pm          Morning Closing Session

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm            Closing Group Lunch

3:00 pm to 7:00 pm           Individual Treatments at Retreat grounds 

Monday, May 12
Liguria, Italy

9:30 am to 2:30 pm            Individual Treatments in Chiavari

*Note: Schedules and activities are subject to change during the event.


Early Bird till March 31 €395
3-Day Workshop: €445

*Support based on need will be available – inquire with local organizers

Room & Board Pack: €170*

2 nights in shared rooms + 6 meals
*shared rooms with fellow attendee
Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner, Sunday breakfast and lunch. Book your stay directly with the Retreat

Individual Treatments: €235 each
3 or more treatments: €215 each

Book now!


Your Italy Dream Team


Rosa Anna Lapore
+39 329-221-4706 WhatsApp
email: lepore.rosaanna@

Assunta Preziozi
+39-333-318-4068 WhatsApp


Pier Paolo Brescia
+39-346 088 2114 WhatsApp

David +39 348 3947872 or +39 (0)185 1908033

What should you bring to the Workshop

During sessions, please have available:

– Water bottle to refill

– Comfortable walking shoes

– Comfortable clothes for practicing physical movements

– Notebook (Navigator’s Log) & pen

– A Mat

– A pillow or a folded big towel

What is a navigator’s Log? Que es una bitácora de navegación?

  • Part of the essential tool kit for recapitulation includes using a navigator’s log, or a set of them.
  • A navigator log is a place for self-exploration, for specificity, reflection and integration.
  • It’s a companion for navigationnotes,ideas, beliefs and syntactic
  • It allows a higher clarity in syntactic details which have direct impact in our perceptual states.
  • You can put your name in the first page and a declaration of intent, your personal intent.

Dr. Miles Reid

Get to know me!


1. medical doctor
2. acupuncturist and herbalist
3. healer
4. practitioner
5. educator


1. Science and function medicine
2. Eastern thought and Chinese medicine
3. Shamanism

Medicine and Medical Healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shamanism & Spiritual Psychology

Dr. Miles Reid offers treatments, consults and courses for those interested in an energy solution and a vitality boost, with an integrative counsel and treatments on any health issue, physical, emotional or spiritual, and to promote the advancement of awareness.

With a Western biomedical background and a specialized training in Oriental Medicine and Shamanism, Dr. Reid brings to you a unique set of skills to support your success, fulfillment and self-awareness, as well as strategies and skills for handling work, relationships and family that have a direct impact on your physical health.

In addition to individual treatments and consults, Miles offers coaching and shamanistic training, one-in-one and to groups, in classes, retreats and private events. As an educator, Miles Reid is one of only a few direct apprentices of Carlos Castaneda teaching internationally today, including on the practice of energy passes, recapitulation and dreaming as pragmatic tools to enhance one’s awareness and energy.


  • Systems Biology & Functional Medicine Lab testing
  • Traditional Acupuncture & Shamanistic Acupuncture
  • Energy Passes* movements for energy redeployment & health
  • Nutritional medicine and Chinese Herbal medicinal prescriptions
  • Detoxification Programs, Enemas & Sinus Cleanses
  • Sensory development & biomechanical integration
  • Tuina, therapeutic bodywork, Cupping and bleeding techniques
  • Psychoneuroimmunology—training thoughts, images & physical responses
  • Perception, Dreaming Attention & Consciousness development
  • Intention skills & Guided Imagery

Learn More about Dr. Miles Reid

Enchanted Switzerland

Workshop and Individual Treatments

May 2, 3 & 5 – Individual Treatments

May 4 – Workshop

The Workshop will be held at the Magical Au Diable Vert, Bex

Enter another cognitive world!

With a special group outing, after the workshop ends, to the famous Les Bains de Lavey Hot Springs!

Personal Vitality Retreats
With Dr. Miles Reid

On Location in Hawaii
An Exceptional & Exclusive Experience

Sample Itinerary

2 Nights / 3 Days
3 Nights / 4 Days
4 Nights / 4 Days

2 Treatments per day, including:

  • Body Work
  • Acupuncture
  • Dietary Guidelines
  • Inner Psychology Reframing and Exercises
  • Guided Visualizations
  • Energy Movements for Vitality

Scheduled as Follows:

    • First Treatment Session
    • Personalized Assignments
    • Second Treatment Session
    • Personalized Assignments

You will receive:

  • Dietary Guidelines
  • Herbal Prescriptions
  • Custom Bodywork
  • Tailored Energy Sessions
  • Personalized Exercises
  • Free Time for Integration
  • Detoxification Regimen
  • Re entry Plan for Post Retreat

You are responsible for:

  • Flight and Transportatiion
  • Hotel or Air BNB
  • Meals


Round 3: March 2025

Contact us Today to secure your Reservation

Each Retreat is customized to the patient, so an intake interview is required.

Limited Spots!

Send us an email to info@energylifesciences to inquire

or call us today to set up your Personalized Logistics Plan

$750* / Day
  • Room & board by client

What others said about their experience in their Personal Retreat:

“Dear Miles, I wish I could find the right words to say you thank You, for the great support you gave me in setting up new challenges, to find a new approach in every day life habits, to strengthen the intent of connection and love with my tonal, either into my body or around me. I still feel shifted somehow into the awareness of my left body and I want this to grow like a three I’m taking care of. Acting more, thinking less, I feel more strength and respect for my body, feeling focused and present in any activity. Thank You very much indeed.“ – Emanuelle

“I thank you from bottom of my heart for your support and your full attention to my stories and states! It was uplifting for me being heard with all my issues I usually don’t share. I feel lighter after that, and am more in tune with my body.” – Sasso

“No need to say that those 4 days have been truly beneficial for everyone of us. I have been amazed by the way you have been able, in that short timeframe, to help everyone of us in such a singular manner. Besides the effects on our well-being, your positive attitude has been incredibly uplifting and contagious.
It has really been an honor and a delight to have you here in Lausanne my friend.
Muchas gracias y hasta luego caballero!!!” – Gabriel

“Good morning Miles, thank you so much for all the energy you put in your treatments. So much focus and intent. It was a long time since I haven’t had treatments with you but as always you injected a boost in my life and shook my energy. I feel more light and determined. A big hug and a thank you”. – Paolo

“It has been a transformational experience for me in many ways! your deep compassion opened my heart and your lightness and warmth made me feel that all things fall in place gracefully and easy. I felt such a great cleaning of my body and spirit, it’s like I got an infusion of a fresh colorful beautiful energy and let go of stagnated dark one. I felt that all is well and I gave myself permission to be who I am. and a miracle happened on my way back home. For month now my voice was very weak and i couldn’t sing at all. when i got in my car I suddenly got an urge to sing. despite resistance I followed the urge and in the beginning my voice sounded weak and scratchy, but some inner force was pushing me to continue. after 30 min my voice cleared up and I could sing loud and clear like years ago!! it was an amazing liberating feeling. so I sang all the way home for 2 hours! Now I am working on maintaining this new feeling and follow the plan we laid out. Thank you Miles from the bottom of my heart!” ❤️ – Olya

“These sessions with Miles were very special. He is a character who left his mark on me and immediately touched my heart and gained my trust. I wondered what was happening to me. My ramparts fell in one fell swoop. Everything happened very quickly and I feel like I’ve been in a space-time wormhole.
Miles gave me a glimpse of other ways to approach a path to healing. There may be a glimmer at the bottom of the well that I can now see if I make an effort to keep my eyes open.
It will take me a few more days to come out of the fog and receive fully what has been given to me.
Thank you for dedicating your life to helping others, Mr. Reid, and for doing so with such kindness, sincerity and heart.” – Geraldine

“Thank you for being the intermediary with Infinity and helping me to reconnect with Spirit.
I came with different issues and you managed to pinpoint the most important ones: how to stop the circularity of worrying thoughts, how to minimize the emotional impact of petty tyrants, what strategies to adopt in order to connect immediately with Spirit, and especially for this period in my life, to allow the process of mourning my mother who passed away 6 months ago and to take this opportunity to complete the process of mourning my father who passed away more than 30 years ago and with whom I didn’t manage to say properly good bye. Allowing this mourning without wishing to “get over it”. And how to be in the forefront of my lineage and being supported by my parents and ancestors in my back. During those 2 days I felt deeply understood and respected in my personal rythme. Ad two days later, I feel more comfortable and kind with my self. Huge! Thank you!!!” – Cristina

“Thank you for this opportunity to share.
My take away points are:
1. Measure time in intensity rather than linear. Quality not quantity.
2. Dissipate unwanted emotions in the vast landscape of the heart. (Into the heart audio).
3. The feeling experienced is that of freedom, evocative of times when I’ve experienced this before. Cultivate this environment.
4. Choose your battles.
5. Create strategies. Detox
6. Be careful with syntax., modify for optimization.
7. Intending gives impetus and direction. Apply to all aspects.
After treatments I experienced a sensation of weightlessness. My assemblage point had shifted and I could sense the swirling energy around me. In the following days my legs have been stiff, like I’ve been on a good hike or run. They want to stretch and gather energy.
My wife is happy and I was able to share some of the knowledge about choice of words with my children so my loved ones have benefited too.
Thank you Miles for sharing your wisdom and restoring my energy!
Hope to see you again next year!” – Ross

“Hola Miles, Espero que hayas hecho buen viaje rumbo a Italia. A pesar que hemos trabajado mucho sobre el dolor, y que la session en eso me ha ayudado bastante….no es en ese sentido que siento más cambio
Más bien me encuentro más unificada, centrada y alegre.
Mi esposo me dijo que me veía con otra cara.
Y en mi trabajo estoy aún más conectada.
Así que todo mágico.
Regresé a casa llena de gratitud a pesar de la situación en la que se encuentra este mundo.
Muchisimas gracias a ti y a mi hijo que insistió mucho para que te encontrara.
Que todo te vaya bien. Un fuerte abrazo” – Marik

Workshop & Retreat in Slovenia
The Freedom Of The Warrior

Slovenia 2025

Early Fall

Save the date!

More info forthcoming

Workshop and Retreat in Slovenia

The Freedom Of The Warrior

August 22-25, 2024

In conjunction with the first annual Global Practice Day

Discover Project Jaguar!

Inspirational and Transformational

In the center of Europe lies the beautiful Slovenia, accessible, modern and the perfect place for an international gathering of practitioners from around the world. This is an invitation to come rediscover the joy and the magic in the energy passes from the Toltec tradition of ancient Mexico, be inspired by others sharing how they practice, connect with your higher self and with nature and have the time of your life.
One of the most powerful references for humans is the idea of Freedom, a concept and a proposition that immediately elevates our mind and our spirit.
“The bird of freedom is already flying into the horizon’, author and shaman Carlos Castaneda said. “we have to move and run after it because it will not wait for us.”
Freedom of perception, as it was defined by men and women shamans in ancient Mexico, represents a set of possibilities, of space and expansion. It motivates and it drives us to grow and to move, to become our best, and in doing so, it creates a platform where we want to develop our full potential as human beings.


But, what’s the point of perceiving all that?”
“You already asked me, today, the same question. You speak like a true merchant. What’s the risk? you ask. What’s the percentage gain to my investment? Is it going to better me?”
“There is no way to answer that. The merchant mind does commerce. But freedom cannot be an investment. Freedom is an adventure with no end, in which we risk our lives and much more for a few moments of something beyond words, beyond thoughts or feelings.”
– Carlos Castaneda


Your Retreat Experience includes:
• Learning and practicing energy passes and entering states of heightened awareness
• Listening to freedom stories from fellow practitioners
• Learning how to move energy and create unique forms of energy passes
• Hikes in a pristine alpine beauty
• Inner silence walks through the forest
• Bathing in gorgeous mountain lakes
• Walking to a beautiful waterfall
• Dining together in community
• Unplugging, recharging and uplifting yourself


Be guided through the details and nuances of this unique tradition by Dr. Miles Reid, one of the principal original teachers trained directly by Carlos Castaneda, and featured in his book on the subject, Magical Passes.
The workshop-retreat is for everybody who participates in the energy passes online world practices, a yearly live gathering to meet each other in person, network, share an amazing time, and get connected.
If you have not yet participated in the online practices, this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to the energy passes of Carlos Castaneda, to ancient and modern practices of shamanism, and their bridge to modern life, medicine and science.

Spik Alpine Resort

Nested under the Julian Alps, the Spik Resort is located on a quiet, somewhat isolated corner in the alpine village of Gozd Martuljek, with impressive natural surroundings and the seal of Alpine tradition.

August 22 to 25 2024

4 days to fill you up and elevate you!

Book now!

Individual Treatments

Take a Set of Treatments Around the Retreat



Wednesday August 21
Thursday August 22
Sunday August 25
Monday August 26

Medicine and Medical Healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shamanism & Spiritual Psychology

Dr. Miles Reid offers treatments, consults and courses for those interested in an energy solution and a vitality boost, with an integrative counsel and treatments on any health issue, physical, emotional or spiritual, and to promote the advancement of awareness.
With a Western biomedical background and a specialized training in Oriental Medicine and Shamanism, Dr. Reid brings to you a unique set of skills to support your success, fulfillment and self-awareness, as well as strategies and skills for handling work, relationships and family that have a direct impact on your physical health.
In addition to individual treatments and consults, Miles offers coaching and shamanistic training, one-in-one and to groups, in classes, retreats and private events. As an educator, Miles Reid is one of only a few direct apprentices of Carlos Castaneda teaching internationally today, including on the practice of energy passes, recapitulation and dreaming as pragmatic tools to enhance one’s awareness and energy.


• Systems Biology and Functional Medicine Lab testing
• Traditional Acupuncture and Shamanistic Acupuncture
• Energy Passes* movements for energy redeployment and health
• Nutritional medicine and Chinese Herbal medicinal prescriptions
• Detoxification Programs, Enemas & Sinus Cleanses
• Sensory development and biomechanical integration
• Tuina, therapeutic bodywork, Cupping and bleeding techniques
• Psychoneuroimmunology—training thoughts, images and physical responses
• Perception, Dreaming Attention and Consciousness development
• Intention skills and Guided Imagery

More About Dr. Reid

• An integrative medicine practitioner, mind-body educator, and National Diplomate in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology, Dr. Reid is committed to providing the highest quality medical care, integrating Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and shamanism for a uniquely holistic and effective healthcare approach. After receiving his Medical Doctor degree Summa Cum Laude from the University of Buenos Aires School of Medicine in Argentina, where he grew up, Dr. Reid returned to his native USA to further his medical education beyond the Western model, studying shamanism with the renowned Carlos Castaneda and earning a Masters with highest honors from Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Santa Monica, California.
• Miles integrates a holistic vision of health, with a focus on Functional Medicine, energy and nutrition and incorporating Spiritual Psychology, of which he completed a postgraduate Masters level certification at the University of Santa Monica, California, with the practices and principles of shamanism, in which he has been immersed for 25 years, under the direct guidance of Carlos Castaneda. Miles is one of two apprentices demonstrating the energy passes in the book Magic Passes, as well as one of the leading guides to Castaneda’s shamanistic teachings internationally, from its inception to the present.
• Dr. Miles Reid practices Traditional Chinese Medicine and Functional Medicine to rebalance the mind and body and help you find and maintain optimal health. He is also dedicated to the modern application of shamanistic principles as taught to him by his mentor Carlos Castaneda. As Castaneda said, “If we bring energy to the centers of life and vitality in our bodies, the sky is the limit.”
• Miles was born into a family of physicians and developed a passion for medicine at an early age. Working as a resident after earning his Medical Doctor degree he became especially interested in alternative and complimentary healing practices, and in understanding the inner workings of the human body and spirit.
• As a doctor, healer and shaman, Dr. Reid is among those leading the way in the integrative energy movement toward health and awareness, and he brings to the world an integrative solution for the dedicated advancement of healing methods, high states of awareness and societal wellbeing.
• Dr. Reid co-founded Being Energy® and the Energy Life Sciences Institute® in Los Angeles, California. Today, he directs the Institute and travels internationally. Dr Miles Reid is the spokesperson for the Energy Life Sciences Institute and the ELSI Methodology.


I take home the brilliance of these days, the serenity, the abandonment of thoughts! This morning I resumed my life in the Tonal that I went through with an unusual lightness. It always happens after a seminar, yet this time I feel my distance is stronger, while being present and efficient in the things to be done.

Thank you to the practice participants: we exchanged a strong and varied energy.

The treatments with Miles were an unexpected gift to me: a burst of energy, a strong push to put the Intent to ask for things for me!

Thanks to Miles and his dedication we have been doing things that, as the days go by, are proving to be even more powerful than it seemed at the time.

The whole workshop was very powerful and the ceremony too. Over these last weeks several times I had to say to myself: WOW it really works! I really burned something that I actually tried to solve many times.


For 3 days, I enjoyed a set of 5 treatments mixing acupuncture, cupping, massage and healing visualisations sessions. Miles would start each session discussing, clarifying and addressing with me the behavioural drivers of my health issues in an atmosphere of benevolence, care and dedication to health and sanity.

The effects were simply incredible. I must admit it : I do not remember when was the last time I felt that clear, comfortable, fluid, almost exhilarated in my body and mind after each treatment. This heightened state of well-being even remained for the following two weeks. As I write this testimonial, I can still attest that stress and pain levels have noticeably lessened in my muscles and joints.

This has renewed my commitment to sustain and promote my daily and long-term health and energy levels. I very much look forward to the next opportunity to get online or in-person treatment with Dr Miles Reid, whom I offer my heartfelt thanks!

Isaaka Ouedraogo-Iseli

What this workshop left me, I feel, is above all the opportunity to connect with luminous beings, instead of people. Without judgment, my body feels people instead of letting the mind think about them or classify them according to their behavior or mood. With such a premise, stalking my behavior is completely changing. My body is now remembering that affection and detachment walk together, giving me the possibility to change my reactions and keep energy focused on an abstract hunt. Long time ago anger and frustration brought me to lose myself, and I’m now seeing this mind trap as it actually is. I feel I have to keep strong the connection with the left/whole body, not to lose this perception. I’m gonna keep alive the memories of ourselves looking each other into our eyes during the seminar, and the joy of that moment.

The affection for this wonderful and mysterious world will guide and support me.

Thank you infinity, Miles and thanks to all of you who attended this magical moment. May the jaguar intent be with all of us!


‘It was beautiful and intensely helpful. Thank you all.

What burned never came back.

Finally the wind caressed me to confirm that those thoughts were extinct.

What fire chanced doesn’t come back.

At the end of the ceremony the wind said to me: “ok , this went definitive!”

Thanks Miles and all for your INTENT.


Thank you for your impeccable work. It has been a delight to have you here in Switzerland among us. Hopefully this will become a habit. You left me with an optimistic mood, invigorated energy and a toned health. What can I ask more for?


Thank you Miles, I feel new after Lausanne. A fog and a weight has lifted.


During those 2 days I felt deeply understood and respected in my personal rhythm. Two days later, I feel more comfortable and kind with myself. Huge! Thank you!!!


A big THANK YOU to Miles for the Sestri Levante workshop.

For me (who had abandoned for many years and only resumed practicing in January of this year) it was a fabulous experience. Practicing in presence instead of in connection gives crazy energy.

The (many) steps that Miles proposed gave me back vitality, fluidity and self-confidence.

The relaxation and dream experiences were very very very very intense.

Thanks also to all the participants who contributed to creating a relaxed and participatory atmosphere.

A second THANK YOU to Miles for the two treatments he gave me: a physically revitalizing experience but above all that helped me to have a strong opening of my heart again.

I hope to see you soon!


Miles, thank you so much for all the energy you put in your treatments. So much focus and intent. It has been a long time since I haven’t had treatments with you but as always you injected a boost in my life and shook my energy. I feel more light and determined.

A big hug and a thank you.


I had such a magical time in Sestri Levante with you all. There was so much love, I was both moved and humbled. Thank you Miles for your impeccable leadership, guidance and for sharing your fascinating stories, wisdom, insights and advice. Thank you organizers and participants. I learned the importance of disrupting continuity to allow for a new trajectory. After the combined effects of treatments and workshop, I feel younger and my wife also commented that I actually look younger! Refreshed and at ease I return to my duties as Captain, husband, father and friend. With love and deepest respect to you all. May our intent be manifested!


Thank you all for the wonderful workshop.

Heartfelt thanks to Miles for his full availability and love for us and for the practice of energy passes and for his teacher Carlos Castaneda. I am truly so grateful to you

The fire ceremony was beautiful and powerful. The fire blazed for a moment and then died down to then start again strong and high as if it were burning one problem at a time, one sheet at a time . I felt like I let go of something that was holding me back. Now I feel less of the weight of my body on my pelvis and legs.


Thank you Miles for your impeccable presence during treatments, I feel uplifted, more whole and more alive.

Looking forward to the workshop in Italy and to the (re) encounter with my fellow infinity readers. For some strange reason I had the feeling that the workshop lasted one week or one minute!

Thank you Miles and all of you for keeping the dream energy alive all the way through


This meeting with Dr. Miles was very special. He is a character who left his mark on me and immediately touched my heart and gained my trust. I wondered what was happening to me. My ramparts fell in one fell swoop. Everything happened very quickly and I feel like I’ve been in a space-time wormhole.

Mr. Miles gave me a glimpse of other ways to approach a path to healing. There may be a glimmer at the bottom of the well that I can now see if I make an effort to keep my eyes open.

It will take me a few more days to come out of the fog and receive fully what has been given to me.

Thank you for dedicating your life to helping others, Mr. Reid, and for doing so with such kindness, sincerity and heart.


I find myself more unified, centered and joyful. My husband told me he sees me with another expression. I’m more connected with my work. Everything is magical.

I came back home full of gratitude despite the world’s situation.


After the treatments I experienced a sensation of weightlessness. My assemblage point had shifted and I could sense the swirling energy around me. In the following days my legs have been stiff, like I’ve been on a good hike or run. They want to stretch and gather energy.

Thank you Miles for sharing your wisdom and restoring my energy!


The seminar was great! Intense! So much so that Saturday felt like 3 days! A wonderful journey from the right side to the left side to find the centrality of the whole body.. probing the feminine and the masculine inside me…. traveling in sound and going and returning.. up to the stars where we come from and where we return. turning into a jaguar and returning to the human part again until I looked into the eyes of my travel companions and found myself recognizing each other on the same road!

It was wonderful to meet some of you that I hadn’t seen in years and meet some of you seen only on video in person! Walking in Sestri and finding each other.. you are all with me in my heart!

I feel full of energy and love of strong silence and at the same time sweet and SOAVE as I love to define my true essence! In general I feel much more joyful, happy. I am always smiling and determined to face the path of a warrior every day! The INTENT created together is strong!

Rosa Anna

I am super grateful for the time with all of you, together in the same room, doing passes, dreaming and stalking. And I hope to do again one of the greatest stalkers, the jaguar!


It has been fantastic to have you here in Lausanne and share some simple moments of life with you. Thank you so much for bringing your positive energy to us!

I feel more light and comfortable in my body. I allow my shoulders to open and my neck to align with my new state of mind. I just accept being myself!


Masterful workshop. A joy to participate in. Thanks Miles for giving your all.

It’s amazing we have such a deep rapport as we don’t share the same language. It shows the power of a heart connection.

Thank you Miles for the treatment. You’re an excellent acupuncturist. I’m so glad I got a treatment with you. After your suggestions I feel I’ve a good strategy to work with my health. Whatever we call it, luck, power, timing, the workshop was very propitious for me. Was impeccably led and received. The powerful fire ceremony epitomized the power, joy and intent that we forged together.

Having been ill I intended the workshop would renew, burning what I wished to let go of has been renewing. Opportunities have come my way without a lot of structure and input from me. I seem to have entered a magical flow where I feel obstacles have been removed and my path clear and supported. Thank you Miles and the practitioners for entering into this intent.


I want to thank Miles for the effective massage and treatment!  I woke up today with a pleasant pain in my muscles. Miles, you’ve managed to dissolve the stiffness of my back… or maybe the stiffness of my assemblage point…


Thanks Miles and everyone for the time and energy together. It was so beautiful to experience beyond the language.

A lustrous bunch of beings attended and shared their wonder.

I remember on fire ceremony gazing, intending to release old habits, at a moment the flames pointed at me saying “Now is your turn!”. And I felt them burning. The ego triggered trying to tell me “I want more for me!”, but the group was there helping me see everyone has its part and intent. My gratitude to everybody supporting each other for becoming stronger and more loving beings!


Deal all, I’m leaving Lausanne now with deep gratitude and new dreams and skills to apply for a more efficient and happy way to walk on my Path of Heart. Big thanks to all,

who organized this event. First of all to dear Miles for his priceless knowledge and kindness… The place was nice and cozy, easy to find and beautifully welcoming.

Felt great to reconnect in this way after years. Intento!


Hello, for the first time I had an experience of silent dialogue, I experienced “The Power of Silence.” In the previous seminars there was always a good translation system and everything was happening through words, the lexicon. Now, in the two days in Sestri I listened to Miles with my eyes and received so much information, it will take time to understand it all, I also talked with the body and somehow I felt that I communicated more than I myself believe. Then Miles proposed silent communication by holding hands and looking into our eyes, this was a wonderful insight and the magic circle of knowledge was closed. Even if briefly, we all flew with the lightness and splendor of magical steps, we followed our guide with confidence and enthusiasm.

We came back with happiness in our eyes and hearts, we sang in the car all the way for 700 km. We will practice lessons and will turn them into knowledge and connection with the infinite. Thanks to the practitioners who worked to organize the meeting happy to find you all on the path of the heart. See you soon!


The fire ceremony held in Sestri- Levante felt very powerful. My sensation was of being in a great circle of energy that kept us together… Almost suspended. When the fire went out the smoke circled the circle as a greeting…


The burning ceremony was a highlight for me too. Interestingly I’m having a similar experience with it. As if there is a filter now and the energy doesn’t feel the same, but somehow lighter and much easier to navigate from that space. Where before I’d succumb to downward spiral now the direction is up!

So many treasures to cherish and work with from just a couple of days of practicing together with intent! May we all continue to soar on the wings of our intent and impeccability! Thank you all.


It has been a transformational experience for me in many ways! Your deep compassion opened my heart and your lightness and warmth made me feel that all things fall in place gracefully and easily. I felt such a great cleaning of my body and spirit, it’s like I got an infusion of a fresh colorful beautiful energy and let go of a stagnated dark one. I felt that all was well and I gave myself permission to be who I am. and a miracle happened on my way back home. For months now my voice was very weak and I couldn’t sing at all. When I got in my car I suddenly got an urge to sing. Despite resistance I followed the urge and in the beginning my voice sounded weak and scratchy, but some inner force was pushing me to continue. After 30 min my voice cleared up and I could sing loud and clear like years ago!! It was an amazing liberating feeling. So I sang all the way home for 2 hours! Now I am working on maintaining this new feeling and following the plan we laid out.


It has been a transformational experience for me in many ways! Your deep compassion opened my heart and your lightness and warmth made me feel that all things fall in place gracefully and easily. I felt such a great cleaning of my body and spirit, it’s like I got an infusion of a fresh colorful beautiful energy and let go of a stagnated dark one. I felt that all was well and I gave myself permission to be who I am. and a miracle happened on my way back home. For months now my voice was very weak and I couldn’t sing at all. When I got in my car I suddenly got an urge to sing. Despite resistance I followed the urge and in the beginning my voice sounded weak and scratchy, but some inner force was pushing me to continue. After 30 min my voice cleared up and I could sing loud and clear like years ago!! It was an amazing liberating feeling. So I sang all the way home for 2 hours! Now I am working on maintaining this new feeling and following the plan we laid out.


Thank you for these wonderful days of great change and nourishment! I have moved into this new position of SOFTNESS and I always tell myself ‘SOFT’ thinking about my liver, my skin, my whole being…Those who have seen me after the treatments say that I am ‘SOFT’ no longer ‘HARD’ and I feel it too in all my body! I know what we have co-created is real and is a huge healing boost because the process has already begun and we have worked out new accords with infinity! I feel so much happiness…So much relaxation… As soon as I realize that, my belly is pulled in and swollen with inhalations…Thanks for everything, immense gratitude and lots of love.

Rosa Anna

Event Schedule

*Please note that schedule and activities are subject to changes on site.


Wednesday August 21
*Check in for treatments


Thursday August 22
* Check in for treatments
4:00pm to 5:00pm     Check in to Retreat & Orientation
5:00pm to 6:30pm     Opening Practice
6:30pm to 8:00pm     Dinner
8:00pm to 9:30pm     Evening Practice
*Optional night swimming and sauna till 9:00pm
Friday August 24
7:15am to 9:15am      Early morning Practice/ Jasna Lake Swimming
9:15am to 10:00am   Breakfast
10:30am to 1:00pm   Morning Practice
1:00pm to 2:00pm     Lunch
2:00pm to 4:00pm     Free Time
4:00pm to 6:30pm     Afternoon Practice
6:30pm to 8:00pm     Dinner
8:00pm to 9:30pm     Evening Practice
*Optional night swimming and sauna till 9:00pm
Saturday August 24
7:15 am to 9:15am      Early morning Practice/ Hike to Martuljek Falls
9:15am to 10:00am   Breakfast
10:30am to 1:00pm   Morning Practice
1:00pm to 2:00pm     Lunch
2:00pm to 4:00pm     Free Time
4:00pm to 7:00pm      Afternoon Practice *joins the Global Practice Day
7:00pm to 7:30pm      Practitioners’ Arts Corner (Optional)
7:00pm to 9:00pm     Dinner
9:00pm to 10:00pm     Evening Practice Not-Doings
*Optional night swimming and sauna till 11:00pm
Sunday August 25
8:00am to 9:00am      Early morning Inner Silence
9:00am to 10:00am   Breakfast
10:00am to 1:00pm   Closing Practice
1:30 pm End of Retreat
*Check in for treatments


Monday August 26
*Check in for treatments


See a breakdown of meals and costs:



See the list of activities: 



US: Teodora Tel. or Text +1 310 231 3500; Email:
SWITZERLAND: Maurice Whatsap +41 78 709 56 70; email:
SLOVENIA: Sasso  Whatsapp +386 41 246 907; email:



4-Day Workshop: €395

* Tuition support based on need will be available – inquire with local organizers

Book now!

Single Occupancy, Bed and Breakfast, per room per night (1 person): €110

Double Occupancy, Bed and Breakfast, per room per night (2 persons): €160

Reserve directly with Spik. Please see link to hotel doc with prices info page


Individual Treatments €235

3 or more treatments €215

Three-Day Seminar in Mexico City

The Voladores of Infinity

November 15-17, 2024

Dare To Dream Freedom

Mexico City is a place like no other. Carlos Castaneda always regarded it as a site of a very special power and energy available to all who seek freedom. He defined the unique energetic qualities of the city as the existence of a gigantic dome of energy that sits right on top, and amplifies things, elevates things, heightens them.
Freedom of perception represents a set of possibilities, of expansion. It motivates and it drives to grow, to become our best, to develop our full potential as human beings.
To this magical place we call the spirit of the Voladores—the ones who fly, the warriors whose awareness spirals across space and time.
During the early days of my apprenticeship with Carlos Castaneda, I had had up to that point, no public role within his work and organization. One day, he told me that he was going to Mexico City to teach a workshop and I should go for the ride, “just take a look, see how things are,” as he put it to me. I went.
The workshop was taking place in a huge gymnasium that was more like an aviation hangar. It was madness–the place was packed with more than a thousand participants. There were three stages: a center one where two apprentices taught the energy passes, and two additional side stages with more apprentices doing the same movements for more people to see. The energy felt like it was packed against the roof. I was in awe.
Late that night in my hotel room, the phone rings. The caller ID shows Private caller, just like it would if my teacher would call me, and I immediately pick up. It was him. He starts talking to me, animated about the first day of the workshop. He speaks without pause for twenty minutes, and then, after a brief silence, he says:
“…So, caballero, tomorrow morning, you go out there, get on that center stage, and lead the (three-hour session) workshop.” My mouth got instantly parched dry and my breath stopped. Before I could say a word, he added:
“And you tell them everything I just said.” My heart stopped for a second. He must have sensed my fright in the millisecond pause before I muttered:
“…of course, nagual.” He then looked at me and said, before hanging up:
“When you are out there tomorrow, you look at all those people, but then look not at their faces but slightly above them, onto the horizon. And remember that you are not talking to them for them to approve you; you are talking to infinity, out there, in that horizon where freedom is. Never lose sight of that place. That is where a warrior goes.”
This workshop is aimed at that point of reference and is an invitation for you to come to gather energy and purpose for that pursuit, together, in this special city that can multiply 10x whatever you set your intent to.


Our intent for your workshop experience:
  • Understanding the human body as an apparatus of perception.
  • Learning how to open a corridor of perception into the second attention.
  • The direct experience of moving the assemblage point to the position of a bird, a tree, and the Earth.
  • When the thinking mind comes to a halt, and the world of inner silence opens
  • The hunt for joy, vitality and belief
  • Learning how energy moves around the luminous spheres that we are


Be guided through the details and nuances of this unique tradition by Dr. Miles Reid, one of the principal original teachers trained directly by Carlos Castaneda, and featured in his book on the subject, Magical Passes.
The seminar-retreat is for everybody who participates in the energy passes online, the regional practices, quarterly live gatherings, to meet each other in person, network, share an amazing time, and get connected.
If you have not yet participated in the online practices, this is a great opportunity to introduce yourself to the energy passes of Carlos Castaneda, to ancient and modern practices of shamanism, and their bridge to modern life, medicine and science.
* We gather in this place, Mexico City, to pay homage to the men and women seekers of freedom who have lived in these lands since antiquity.

Workhop Schedule

Workshop starts on Friday at 6 p.m. and ends on Sunday at 1:30pm
Thursday, November 14
10:00 am to 6:00 pm Individual Treatments
Friday, November 15
8:00 am to 10:30 am Special Early Morning Group Walk (optional)
12:30 pm to 5:00 pm Individual Treatments
6:00 pm to 6:30 pm Registration & Orientation
6:30 pm to 9:00 pm Evening Session
Saturday, November 16
8:30 am to 9:15 am Early Session
9:15 am to 10:00 am Breakfast
10:00 am to 1:00 pm Morning Session
1:00 pm to 3:30 pm Lunch & Break
3:30 pm to 6:30 pm Afternoon Session
6:30 pm to 7:45 pm Dinner
7:45 pm to 9:30 pm Evening Session
Sunday, November 17
8:30 am to 9:15 am Early Session
9:15 am to 10:00 am Breakfast
10:00 am to 1:30 pm Morning Closing Session
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm Lunch
3:00 pm to 7:00 pm Individual Treatments
Monday, November 18
9:30 am to 1:30 pm Individual Treatments
*Note: Schedules and activities are subject to change during the event.

Mexico City

Individual Treatments

Take a Set of Treatments before & after the Workshop


Dr. Miles Reid will offer personalized treatments on Thursday the 14th, Friday the 15th (before the workshop), Sunday the 17th in the afternoon and Monday the 18th in the morning.


US: Teodora Tel. or Text +1 310 231 3500; Email:
Mexico: Liana, email, tel. y WhatsApp +52 664 167 6880
U.S. o México: Tom, email, tel. y WhatsApp +52 473 560 0984, tel. U.S. +1 512 910 4115


3-Day Workshop:

Early bird special: $295 ($335 after Sept. 15)

* Tuition support based on need will be available – inquire with local organizers

Book now!

Individual Treatments $130

Práctica Nocturna – Práctica Matinal
Buenos Aires 2024

28 y 29 de Junio, 2024
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ven a una experiencia profunda de los pases energéticos de Carlos Castaneda, y experimenta una verdadera conmoción a tu cuerpo físico y a tu cuerpo energético. Entra a un nuevo estado mental y espiritual, para llevarte a tu vida diaria.

Sesión 1

Viernes 28 de Junio
19:00hrs a 22:00hrs


*Traer colchoneta y una pequeña almohada o toalla; se recomienda venir comido

Sesión 2

Sábado 29 de Junio
10:00hrs a 13:00hrs


*Traer un cuaderno de notas y lapicera

BAO, Av Corrientes 1386, Piso 10º, C.A.B.A.
¡Reservá tu espacio ahora!
Costo: $50 USD


28 y 29 de Junio, 2024

Buenos Aires, Argentina

¡Reservá tu espacio ahora!
Costo: $130 USD

*Pago en pesos en cuotas disponible

Para reservaciones e información contactar a:

Maraneiba: +54 9 11 5586 8785

El Dr. Miles Reid ofrecerá tratamientos individuales antes y después de las prácticas, para aquéllos interesados en una solución energética y un empujón de vitalidad. Los tratamientos consisten en una guía personalizada a tu práctica, una sesión especial de acupuntura chamánica y un asesoramiento integratibo a cualquier tema de salud física, emocional o espiitual.

Conducido por Miles Reid

El Dr. Miles Reid, aprendiz de Carlos Castaneda, es médico graduado con altos honores de la Universidad de Medicina en Buenos Aires, graduado suma cum laude en medicina tradicional China de la prestigiosa Yo San University en Los Angeles, California, y especializado en medicina funcional y nutricional. Miles integra una visión holística de la salud, incorporando la psicología espiritual, de la cual completó una certificación de postgrado en la Universidad de Santa Mónica, California, con las prácticas y principios del chamanismo, en el cual ha estado inmerso desde hace 25 años, bajo la guía directa del Dr. Castaneda. Miles es uno de dos aprendices demostrando los pases energéticos en el libro Pases Mágicos, así como uno de los guías principales de las enseñanzas chamánicas de Castaneda internacionalmente desde sus comienzos hasta el presente.

Night Practice – Morning Practice

June 28 and 29, 2024
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Come to a deep experience of Carlos Castaneda’s energy passes, and experience a true shock to your physical body and your energy body. Enter a new mental and spiritual state, to take with you to your daily life.

Session 1

Friday, June 28
19:00hrs – 22:00hrs


*Bring a mat and a small pillow or towel. We recommend that you eat before the session.

Session 2

Saturday, June 29
10:00hrs – 13:00hrs


*Bring a notebook and a pen.

BAO, Av Corrientes 1386, Piso 10º, C.A.B.A.
Reserve your spot now!
Cost: US $50


June 28 and 29, 2024

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Reserve your spot now!
Cost: US $130

*Installments in pesos available

For reservations and info contact:

Maraneiba: +54 9 11 5586 8785

Dr. Miles Reid will offer individual treatments before and after practices, for those interested in an energy solution and a boost of vitality. The treatments consist of a personalized guide to your practice, a special shamanic acupuncture session and comprehensive advice on any physical, emotional or spiritual health issue.

Guided by Miles Reid

Dr. Miles Reid, an apprentice of Carlos Castaneda, is a doctor graduated with high honors from the University of Medicine in Buenos Aires, graduated suma cum laude in traditional Chinese medicine from the prestigious Yo San University in Los Angeles, California, and specialized in functional and nutritional medicine. Miles integrates a holistic vision of health, incorporating spiritual psychology, of which he completed a postgraduate certification at the University of Santa Monica, California, with the practices and principles of shamanism, in which he has been immersed for 25 years, under the direct guidance of Dr. Castaneda. Miles is one of two apprentices demonstrating the energy passes in the book Magical Passes, as well as one of the leading guides of Castaneda’s shamanic teachings internationally, from its inception to the present.

Retreat In Crete, Greece
Lead With Love

Retreat in Crete

Lead With Love

May 26-June 1, 2024

Join Us In This Powerful Event

This is a signature Lead with Love retreat offering for those looking to deepen their connection to spirituality, others and themselves. Daily yoga, meditation, self-reflection and inquiry, sound healing, deep sisterhood and brotherhood, and fun will fill our days in this idyllic paradise.


Crete, the largest island in Greece and the fifth largest in the Mediterranean, is a diverse and captivating destination. From ancient ruins to stunning beaches, majestic mountains, and fertile valleys, Crete offers a breathtaking landscape for exploration. The island boasts a rich gastronomic culture, inviting you to enjoy the secrets of one of the world’s healthiest diets. With its generous and welcoming hospitality, Crete reflects the grandeur of the island. This is not just an island; it’s a timeless treasure trove of beauty, where history, nature, and culture come together in a harmonious dance, resonating with the echoes of civilizations and the warmth of the Cretan embrace.

A Powerful Lineup of Teachers

Lead With Love Founder GINA MURDOCH
Professional Sound Healer and Singer ELISA BAVA
Healer and Shaman DR. MILES REID
Yoga and Meditation Expert RIVER MORGAN

Key Features

6 nights at 5* luxury Minos Beach Art Hotel
Daily Yoga classes and meditation
Sound healing
Cultural trips to discover the island
Spa, treatments & much more

Meet Your Guides

Dr. Miles Reid*

An integrative medicine practitioner, mind-body educator, and National Diplomate in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology, Dr. Reid is committed to providing the highest quality medical care, integrating Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and shamanism for a uniquely holistic and effective healthcare approach. After receiving his Medical Doctor degree summa cum laude in Argentina, where he grew up, Dr. Reid returned to his native USA to further his medical education beyond the conventional Western model, studying shamanism with the renowned Carlos Castaneda and earning a Masters with highest honors at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Santa Monica, California.
Miles integrates a holistic vision of health, with a focus on Functional Medicine, energy and nutrition and incorporating Spiritual Psychology, of which he completed a postgraduate certification at the University of Santa Monica, California, with the practices and principles of shamanism, in which he has been immersed for 25 years, under the direct guidance of Carlos Castaneda. Miles is one of two apprentices demonstrating the energy passes in the book Magical Passes, as well as one of the leading guides to Castaneda’s shamanistic teachings internationally, from its inception to the present.
Miles intuitively and practically understands the impact that the complexities of modern life have on our health and wellbeing. He works with you to release toxins and negativity, heal illness and injury and increase your vitality, awareness and enjoy for a complete mind/body/spirit health goal.

* Dr. Reid will be available daily for acupuncture & Shamanic healing sessions for additional cost.

Gina Murdoch

Gina Murdock based in Aspen, Colo., is a writer, yoga and meditation teacher, inspirational speaker, and community organizer. She founded the Aspen Yoga Society, The Aspen City of Wellbeing, Lead with Love, The Love Ninjas, and the Mind, Body, Spirit Rx content brand. Gina’s mission is to shift culture from fear to love from the inside out, helping people thrive and find joy and freedom in mind, body, and spirit. She holds a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology with a special emphasis on Consciousness, Health, and Healing. Gina is a certified Chopra yoga and meditation teacher, as well as a certified Bikram and Vinyasa Flow yoga teacher and retreat guide who teaches internationally. She has taught yoga to luminaries such as Sir Richard Branson, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Actress Goldie Hawn, Musician Michael Franti, writer Arianna Huffington, and more. Gina is a published author, inspirational public speaker, and a founding member of Dr. Deepak Chopra’s Self Directed Biological Transformation Initiative. Gina is also an active board member of the Aspen Center and she is actively involved in various boards and advisory roles related to environmental and mental health initiatives. Gina lives by the mantras: “Let the beauty you love be what you do” (Rumi); “Be the change you wish to see in the world” (Gandhi); and “WOOO-HOOO!” (Gina).

Elisa Bava

Elisa Bava is a professional singer, performer, vocal coach, certified sound therapist, and a 200-hour yoga teacher. With over 15 years of experience touring globally, recording for international DJs, and signing with Universal Music, she now focuses on the healing power of sound and movement. Having participated in music competitions like the “Eurovision Song Contest,” Elisa channels her profound connection to music as a healing and transformational tool. Devoting the last 5 years to studying frequencies, intervals, and vocal techniques, Elisa is a confident guide for individual and group practices that facilitate release, help people find their voice, ignite their creativity, and empower and rebalance their whole system. Certified by The International Association of Sound Therapy, she also provides tailor-made on-body sound treatments addressing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. Embracing Einstein’s insight that “Everything in life is vibration,” Elisa believes in the life-changing impact of a conscious relationship with sound and music. Scientific studies have proven that Sound Healing facilitates stress release, has a positive impact on the cardiac and respiratory system, and helps restore the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Moreover, music and singing always bring a lot of joy and fun, and Elisa is a big promoter of that!

River Morgan

River Morgan is a third generation yoga and mediation instructor, who resides in Aspen, Colorado. A lifelong study of movement and the body has guided her over 29 years of teaching. River has been featured in many publications for her yoga classes and retreats, including Yoga Journal, Forbes magazine, Elephant Journal, Aspen Peak Magazine and as a model for the Gaiam and Jade Catalogues and products. She authored a wellness column for The Aspen Daily News and her classes are featured on Golf Forever, Healthy Backs Forever, Aspen82, and The Healthy Life channels.
She is a certified yoga, meditation & Gyrotonic instructor, and holds the credentials to lead teacher trainings for yoga and meditation through Yoga Alliance. She holds a BFA in Dance & toured internationally with two professional dance companies. River has also served as assistant director of for the past 15 years.

Minos Beach Art Hotel

Welcome to a redefined barefoot luxury experience in Crete. This is Minos Beach Art Hotel, member of bluegr Hotels & Resorts and Design Hotels.




Located right on the water’s edge, this 5 star luxury hotel in Crete offers all the standards of high-quality accommodation, from the authentic and warm hospitality of its dedicated people to its traditional architectural styles and minimalist, chic interiors. Walking across the hotel’s gardens, you can smell the fragrance of nature, while the meditating sound of the sea provides peace and tranquility.



Info & Booking

The retreat has limited spots available. Prices start at 4200€
For more information and booking, please go to:
Dr. Miles Reid will offer acupuncture and shamanistic healing treatments during the retreat.


Retreat Schedule

DAY 1 – May 26th

Theme: Choose Love

  • Arrival & Check-in
  • Opening Ceremony
  • Welcome Community Dinner at hotel

DAY 2 – May 27th

Theme: Living the Loving

  • 8:000am – 9:30am: Morning Session – Yoga, meditation, journaling, sound healing
  • 9:30am – 10:30am: Late Breakfast
  • 10:30am- 1:30pm: Traditional Cooking class with Association of Women in Kritsa
  • 1.30pm – 5:00pm: Free time
  • 5:00pm – 6:30pm: Afternoon Session – Movement and Inner Work
  • 7:30pm: Community Dinner at hotel

DAY 3 – May 28th

Theme: Ownership

  • 8:00am – 09:30am: Morning Session – Yoga, meditation, journaling, sound healing
  • 09:30am – 10:30am: Late Breakfast
  • 11:00am – 5:00pm: Optional Activity – Traditional Boat trip at Mirabello Bay / Free time to explore
  • 5:00pm – 6:30pm: Afternoon Session – Movement and Inner Work
  • 7:30pm: Community Dinner at hotel

DAY 4 – May 29th

Theme: Gratitude

  • 8:00am – 09:30am: Morning Session – Yoga, meditation, journaling, sound healing
  • 09:30am – 10:30am: Late Breakfast
  • 11:00am – 3:30pm: Activity – Cultural Tour in Knossos Archaeological Site
  • 3:30pm – 5:00pm: Free time
  • 5:00pm – 6:30pm: Afternoon Session – Movement and Inner Work
  • 7:30pm: Community Dinner at hotel

DAY 5 – May 30th

Theme: Clearing the Channel

  • 8:00am – 09:30am: Morning Session – Yoga, meditation, journaling, sound healing
  • 09:30am – 10:30am: Late Breakfast
  • 11:30am – 4:00pm: Reflection time / Free time
  • 5:00pm – 6:30pm: Afternoon Session – Movement and Inner Work
  • 7:30pm: Community Dinner at hotel

DAY 6 – May 31st

Theme: Leading with Love

  • 8:00am – 09:30am: Morning Session – Yoga, meditation, journaling, sound healing
  • 09:30am – 10:30am: Late Breakfast
  • 11:00am – 4:00pm: Reflection time / Free time
  • 5:00pm – 6:30pm: Afternoon Session – Movement and Inner Work
  • 7:30pm: Community Dinner at hotel

DAY 7 – June 1st

  • 9:00am – 10:30am: Farewell Breakfast
  • 11:00 am: Check-out / Departure

Weekend Workshop And Retreat On Dreaming

“For the sorcerers who practice dreaming today, dreaming is freedom to perceive worlds beyond the imagination.” – Carlos Castaneda

The Art Of Dreaming

April 19-21, 2024

At the beautiful Seven Oaks Retreat Center,
by Shenandoah National Park

with Dr. Miles Reid & Dr. James Yates

A Personal Invite from Dr. Miles Reid

Develop and explore your magical side through the ever-present window of dreaming. Unleash the powers of your sleeping dreams and your waking dreams.


• Learn techniques to develop your dreaming attention for lucid dreaming
• Work though and release chronic, self-interrupting patterns with experiential dream work
• Learn how to set, visualize and activate intent, for healing and awakening
• Invoke a circle of dream allies as a vital resource on your path of awakening and healing
• Practice the energy passes (movements) of the shamans of ancient Mexico taught by Carlos Castaneda for health and entering heightened states of awareness (click here for 2 video samples: Energy Passes)
• Experience stopping the internal dialogue be means of a specific sequence of energy passes called The Seer’s Code.


Miles and James will bring together their years of experience as healing practitioners and practitioners of the shamanic teachings of Carlos Castaneda to reveal how the art of dreaming can be a portal for awakening.

A Corridor Into Heightened Awareness

Gaze intently into the video and you may catch
a glimpse of the corridor!

Dreaming Is Believing

Workshop in Virginia – Seven Oaks Retreat

Seven Oaks has 120-acres of beautiful land with over 5-miles of walking trails and a river. It is stunning during the Spring.



On Friday, Sunday and Monday, Dr. Miles Reid will offer treatments and consults before and after the workshop for those interested in an individual energy solution and a vitality boost. In a session, you get acupuncture and Tuina bodywork, herbal and nutritional prescriptions, coaching and shamanistic training on physical, emotional or spiritual health issues.
Sunday room and board available for those taking treatments on Monday.


The workshop begins on Friday at 7pm and ends on Sunday at 3:30pm


Friday April 19
Afternoon Individual Consultations and Treatments
7:00pm to 9:00pm Session One
Saturday April 20
9:30am to 12:30pm Session Two
2:30pm to 5:30pm Session Three
7:30pm to 9:00pm Session Four
Sunday April 21
9:30am to 12:00pm Session Five
2:00pm to 3:30pm Session Six
Individual Consultations and Treatments
Monday April 22
Individual Consultations and Treatments


Workshop Retreat $395 Early Bird discount until March 15
$450 After
Room & Board: $300
(2 nights & 6 meals)
Individual Treatments: 75 min $235
3 or more treatments $215
Sunday room and board available for those taking treatments on Monday.

Closest airports

Charlottesville Albemarle Airport – 15 miles
Richmond International Airport – 93 miles
Washington Dulles International Airport – 84 miles
Note: Richmond, although further away, is a faster commute than Dulles Airport.


+1-310-231-3500 (calls or text)
East Coast: James
West Coast: Teodora
Teaching together for the first time, Dr. James Yates and Dr. Miles Reid will guide the retreat as a team. In addition, before and after the workshop, Dr. Reid will offer individual consultations and treatments.
Miles Reid, M.D.(Arg.), L.Ac., Dip Ac. offers Traditional Chinese Medicine and Functional Medicine to help you find and maintain optimal health. After receiving his Medical Doctor degree in Argentina, where he grew up, Dr. Reid returned to his native USA to further his medical education, studying shamanism with the renowned Carlos Castaneda and earning a Masters at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Miles integrates a holistic vision of health, with a focus on Functional Medicine, energy and nutrition and incorporating Spiritual Psychology, of which he completed a postgraduate certification at the University of Santa Monica with the practices and principles of shamanism. Read more…
James Yates, PhD, LPC bridges the gap between spiritual awakening and healing the mind/body and our relationship with others and nature. He has developed a wide range of techniques and tools incorporating different approaches including Gestalt Therapy, EMDR, Internal Family Systems, mindfulness and body-based practices.
James has been following the shamanic teachings of Carlos Castaneda for nearly fifty years and was a practitioner of Zen Buddhism for nearly forty years. James left the Zen tradition nine years ago to explore other awakening traditions. He is writing a book, Wake Up & Heal: Follow Your Unique Path Towards Restoring Wholeness.

Individual Treatments

Take a Set of Treatments Around the Retreat



Friday April 19
Sunday April 21
Monday April 22

Medicine and Medical Healing, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shamanism & Spiritual Psychology

Dr. Miles Reid offers treatments, consults and courses for those interested in an energy solution and a vitality boost, with an integrative counsel and treatments on any health issue, physical, emotional or spiritual, and to promote the advancement of awareness.
With a Western biomedical background and a specialized training in Oriental Medicine and Shamanism, Dr. Reid brings to you a unique set of skills to support your success, fulfillment and self-awareness, as well as strategies and skills for handling work, relationships and family that have a direct impact on your physical health.
In addition to individual treatments and consults, Miles offers coaching and shamanistic training, one-in-one and to groups, in classes, retreats and private events. As an educator, Miles Reid is one of only a few direct apprentices of Carlos Castaneda teaching internationally today, including on the practice of energy passes, recapitulation and dreaming as pragmatic tools to enhance one’s awareness and energy.


• Systems Biology and Functional Medicine Lab testing
• Traditional Acupuncture and Shamanistic Acupuncture
• Energy Passes* movements for energy redeployment and health
• Nutritional medicine and Chinese Herbal medicinal prescriptions
• Detoxification Programs, Enemas & Sinus Cleanses
• Sensory development and biomechanics integration
• Tuina, therapeutic bodywork, Cupping and bleeding techniques
• Psychoneuroimmunology—training thoughts, images and physical responses
• Perception, Dreaming Attention and Consciousness development
• Intention skills and Guided Imagery


Thank you for these wonderful days of great change and nourishment! I have moved into this new position of SOFTNESS and I always tell myself ‘SOFT’ thinking about my liver, my skin, my whole being…Those who have seen me after the treatments say that I am ‘SOFT’ no longer ‘HARD’ and I feel it too in all my body! I know what we have co-created is real and is a huge healing boost because the process has already begun and we have worked out new accords with infinity! I feel so much happiness…So much relaxation… As soon as I realize that, my belly is pulled in and swollen with inhalations…Thanks for everything, immense gratitude and lots of love.

Rosa Anna

I take home the brilliance of these days, the serenity, the abandonment of thoughts! This morning I resumed my life in the Tonal that I went through with an unusual lightness. It always happens after a seminar, yet this time I feel my distance is stronger, while being present and efficient in the things to be done.

Thank you to the practice participants: we exchanged a strong and varied energy.

The treatments with Miles were an unexpected gift to me: a burst of energy, a strong push to put the Intent to ask for things for me!

Thanks to Miles and his dedication we have been doing things that, as the days go by, are proving to be even more powerful than it seemed at the time.

The whole workshop was very powerful and the ceremony too. Over these last weeks several times I had to say to myself: WOW it really works! I really burned something that I actually tried to solve many times.


For 3 days, I enjoyed a set of 5 treatments mixing acupuncture, cupping, massage and healing visualizations sessions. Miles would start each session discussing, clarifying and addressing with me the behavioural drivers of my health issues in an atmosphere of benevolence, care and dedication to health and sanity.

The effects were simply incredible. I must admit it : I do not remember when was the last time I felt that clear, comfortable, fluid, almost exhilarated in my body and mind after each treatment. This heightened state of well-being even remained for the following two weeks. As I write this testimonial, I can still attest that stress and pain levels have noticeably lessened in my muscles and joints.

This has renewed my commitment to sustain and promote my daily and long-term health and energy levels. I very much look forward to the next opportunity to get online or in-person treatment with Dr Miles Reid, whom I offer my heartfelt thanks!

Isaaka Ouedraogo-Iseli

What this workshop left me, I feel, is above all the opportunity to connect with luminous beings, instead of people. Without judgment, my body feels people instead of letting the mind think about them or classify them according to their behavior or mood. With such a premise, stalking my behavior is completely changing. My body is now remembering that affection and detachment walk together, giving me the possibility to change my reactions and keep energy focused on an abstract hunt. Long time ago anger and frustration brought me to lose myself, and I’m now seeing this mind trap as it actually is. I feel I have to keep strong the connection with the left/whole body, not to lose this perception. I’m gonna keep alive the memories of ourselves looking each other into our eyes during the seminar, and the joy of that moment.

The affection for this wonderful and mysterious world will guide and support me.

Thank you infinity, Miles and thanks to all of you who attended this magical moment. May the jaguar intent be with all of us!


‘It was beautiful and intensely helpful. Thank you all.

What burned never came back.

Finally the wind caressed me to confirm that those thoughts were extinct.

What fire chanced doesn’t come back.

At the end of the ceremony the wind said to me: “ok , this went definitive!”

Thanks Miles and all for your INTENT.


Thank you for your impeccable work. It has been a delight to have you here in Switzerland among us. Hopefully this will become a habit. You left me with an optimistic mood, invigorated energy and a toned health. What can I ask more for?


Thank you Miles, I feel new after Lausanne. A fog and a weight has lifted.


During those 2 days I felt deeply understood and respected in my personal rhythm. Two days later, I feel more comfortable and kind with myself. Huge! Thank you!!!


A big THANK YOU to Miles for the Sestri Levante workshop.

For me (who had abandoned for many years and only resumed practicing in January of this year) it was a fabulous experience. Practicing in presence instead of in connection gives crazy energy.

The (many) steps that Miles proposed gave me back vitality, fluidity and self-confidence.

The relaxation and dream experiences were very very very very intense.

Thanks also to all the participants who contributed to creating a relaxed and participatory atmosphere.

A second THANK YOU to Miles for the two treatments he gave me: a physically revitalizing experience but above all that helped me to have a strong opening of my heart again.

I hope to see you soon!


Miles, thank you so much for all the energy you put in your treatments. So much focus and intent. It has been a long time since I haven’t had treatments with you but as always you injected a boost in my life and shook my energy. I feel more light and determined.

A big hug and a thank you.


I had such a magical time in Sestri Levante with you all. There was so much love, I was both moved and humbled. Thank you Miles for your impeccable leadership, guidance and for sharing your fascinating stories, wisdom, insights and advice. Thank you organizers and participants. I learned the importance of disrupting continuity to allow for a new trajectory. After the combined effects of treatments and workshop, I feel younger and my wife also commented that I actually look younger! Refreshed and at ease I return to my duties as Captain, husband, father and friend. With love and deepest respect to you all. May our intent be manifested!


Thank you all for the wonderful workshop.

Heartfelt thanks to Miles for his full availability and love for us and for the practice of energy passes and for his teacher Carlos Castaneda. I am truly so grateful to you

The fire ceremony was beautiful and powerful. The fire blazed for a moment and then died down to then start again strong and high as if it were burning one problem at a time, one sheet at a time . I felt like I let go of something that was holding me back. Now I feel less of the weight of my body on my pelvis and legs.


Thank you Miles for your impeccable presence during treatments, I feel uplifted, more whole and more alive.

Looking forward to the workshop in Italy and to the (re) encounter with my fellow infinity readers. For some strange reason I had the feeling that the workshop lasted one week or one minute!

Thank you Miles and all of you for keeping the dream energy alive all the way through


This meeting with Dr. Miles was very special. He is a character who left his mark on me and immediately touched my heart and gained my trust. I wondered what was happening to me. My ramparts fell in one fell swoop. Everything happened very quickly and I feel like I’ve been in a space-time wormhole.

Mr. Miles gave me a glimpse of other ways to approach a path to healing. There may be a glimmer at the bottom of the well that I can now see if I make an effort to keep my eyes open.

It will take me a few more days to come out of the fog and receive fully what has been given to me.

Thank you for dedicating your life to helping others, Mr. Reid, and for doing so with such kindness, sincerity and heart.


I find myself more unified, centered and joyful. My husband told me he sees me with another expression. I’m more connected with my work. Everything is magical.

I came back home full of gratitude despite the world’s situation.


After the treatments I experienced a sensation of weightlessness. My assemblage point had shifted and I could sense the swirling energy around me. In the following days my legs have been stiff, like I’ve been on a good hike or run. They want to stretch and gather energy.

Thank you Miles for sharing your wisdom and restoring my energy!


I am super grateful for the time with all of you, together in the same room, doing passes, dreaming and stalking. And I hope to do again one of the greatest stalkers, the jaguar!


It has been fantastic to have you here in Lausanne and share some simple moments of life with you. Thank you so much for bringing your positive energy to us!

I feel more light and comfortable in my body. I allow my shoulders to open and my neck to align with my new state of mind. I just accept being myself!


Masterful workshop. A joy to participate in. Thanks Miles for giving your all.

It’s amazing we have such a deep rapport as we don’t share the same language. It shows the power of a heart connection.

Thank you Miles for the treatment. You’re an excellent acupuncturist. I’m so glad I got a treatment with you. After your suggestions I feel I’ve a good strategy to work with my health. Whatever we call it, luck, power, timing, the workshop was very propitious for me. Was impeccably led and received. The powerful fire ceremony epitomized the power, joy and intent that we forged together.

Having been ill I intended the workshop would renew, burning what I wished to let go of has been renewing. Opportunities have come my way without a lot of structure and input from me. I seem to have entered a magical flow where I feel obstacles have been removed and my path clear and supported. Thank you Miles and the practitioners for entering into this intent.


I want to thank Miles for the effective massage and treatment!  I woke up today with a pleasant pain in my muscles. Miles, you’ve managed to dissolve the stiffness of my back… or maybe the stiffness of my assemblage point…


Thanks Miles and everyone for the time and energy together. It was so beautiful to experience beyond the language.

A lustrous bunch of beings attended and shared their wonder.

I remember on fire ceremony gazing, intending to release old habits, at a moment the flames pointed at me saying “Now is your turn!”. And I felt them burning. The ego triggered trying to tell me “I want more for me!”, but the group was there helping me see everyone has its part and intent. My gratitude to everybody supporting each other for becoming stronger and more loving beings!


Deal all, I’m leaving Lausanne now with deep gratitude and new dreams and skills to apply for a more efficient and happy way to walk on my Path of Heart. Big thanks to all,

who organized this event. First of all to dear Miles for his priceless knowledge and kindness… The place was nice and cozy, easy to find and beautifully welcoming.

Felt great to reconnect in this way after years. Intento!


Hello, for the first time I had an experience of silent dialogue, I experienced “The Power of Silence.” In the previous seminars there was always a good translation system and everything was happening through words, the lexicon. Now, in the two days in Sestri I listened to Miles with my eyes and received so much information, it will take time to understand it all, I also talked with the body and somehow I felt that I communicated more than I myself believe. Then Miles proposed silent communication by holding hands and looking into our eyes, this was a wonderful insight and the magic circle of knowledge was closed. Even if briefly, we all flew with the lightness and splendor of magical steps, we followed our guide with confidence and enthusiasm.

We came back with happiness in our eyes and hearts, we sang in the car all the way for 700 km. We will practice lessons and will turn them into knowledge and connection with the infinite. Thanks to the practitioners who worked to organize the meeting happy to find you all on the path of the heart. See you soon!


The fire ceremony held in Sestri- Levante felt very powerful. My sensation was of being in a great circle of energy that kept us together… Almost suspended. When the fire went out the smoke circled the circle as a greeting…


The burning ceremony was a highlight for me too. Interestingly I’m having a similar experience with it. As if there is a filter now and the energy doesn’t feel the same, but somehow lighter and much easier to navigate from that space. Where before I’d succumb to downward spiral now the direction is up!

So many treasures to cherish and work with from just a couple of days of practicing together with intent! May we all continue to soar on the wings of our intent and impeccability! Thank you all.


It has been a transformational experience for me in many ways! Your deep compassion opened my heart and your lightness and warmth made me feel that all things fall in place gracefully and easily. I felt such a great cleaning of my body and spirit, it’s like I got an infusion of a fresh colorful beautiful energy and let go of a stagnated dark one. I felt that all was well and I gave myself permission to be who I am. and a miracle happened on my way back home. For months now my voice was very weak and I couldn’t sing at all. When I got in my car I suddenly got an urge to sing. Despite resistance I followed the urge and in the beginning my voice sounded weak and scratchy, but some inner force was pushing me to continue. After 30 min my voice cleared up and I could sing loud and clear like years ago!! It was an amazing liberating feeling. So I sang all the way home for 2 hours! Now I am working on maintaining this new feeling and following the plan we laid out.


It has been a transformational experience for me in many ways! Your deep compassion opened my heart and your lightness and warmth made me feel that all things fall in place gracefully and easily. I felt such a great cleaning of my body and spirit, it’s like I got an infusion of a fresh colorful beautiful energy and let go of a stagnated dark one. I felt that all was well and I gave myself permission to be who I am. and a miracle happened on my way back home. For months now my voice was very weak and I couldn’t sing at all. When I got in my car I suddenly got an urge to sing. Despite resistance I followed the urge and in the beginning my voice sounded weak and scratchy, but some inner force was pushing me to continue. After 30 min my voice cleared up and I could sing loud and clear like years ago!! It was an amazing liberating feeling. So I sang all the way home for 2 hours! Now I am working on maintaining this new feeling and following the plan we laid out.


I take home the brilliance of these days, the serenity, the abandonment of thoughts! This morning I resumed my life in the Tonal that I went through with an unusual lightness. It always happens after a seminar, yet this time I feel my distance is stronger, while being present and efficient in the things to be done.

Rosa Anna

“La Dolce Vita” An Intimate Lead with Love Signature Retreat in Italia

Saturday, September 23, 2023 4:00 PM
Saturday, September 30, 2023 11:00 AM

Visit the Event Page on Lead With Love


Dr. Miles Reid

An integrative medicine practitioner, mind-body educator, and National Diplomate in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology, Dr. Reid is committed to providing the highest quality medical care, integrating Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and shamanism for a uniquely holistic and effective healthcare approach. After receiving his Medical Doctor degree summa cum laude in Argentina, where he grew up, Dr. Reid returned to his native USA to further his medical education beyond the conventional Western model, studying shamanism with the renowned Carlos Castaneda and earning a Masters with highest honors at Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Santa Monica, California.

Miles integrates a holistic vision of health, with a focus on Functional Medicine, energy and nutrition and incorporating Spiritual Psychology, of which he completed a postgraduate certification at the University of Santa Monica, California, with the practices and principles of shamanism, in which he has been immersed for 25 years, under the direct guidance of Carlos Castaneda. Miles is one of two apprentices demonstrating the energy passes in the book Magic Passes, as well as one of the leading guides to Castaneda’s shamanistic teachings internationally, from its inception to the present.

Miles intuitively and practically understands the impact that the complexities of modern life have on our health and wellbeing. He works with you to release toxins and negativity, heal illness and injury and increase your vitality, awareness and enjoy for a complete mind/body/spirit health goal.

Integrating East/West Philosophies

Dr. Miles Reid practices Traditional Chinese Medicine and Functional Medicine to rebalance the mind and body and help you find and maintain optimal health. He is also dedicated to the modern application of shamanistic principles as taught to him by his mentor Carlos Castaneda. As Castaneda said, “If we bring energy to the centers of life and vitality in our bodies, the sky is the limit.”

Miles Reid was born into a family of physicians, and developed a passion for medicine at an early age. Working as a resident after earning his Medical Doctor degree he became especially interested in alternative and complimentary healing practices, and in understanding the inner workings of the human body and spirit.

As a doctor, healer and shaman, Dr. Reid is among those leading the way in the integrative energy movement toward health and awareness, and brings to the world an integrative solution for the dedicated advancement of healing methods, high states of awareness and societal wellbeing. Dr Miles Reid is the spokesperson for the Energy Life Sciences Institute and the ELSI Methodology.

Gina Murdock

Gina Murdock is an Aspen, Colo. based writer, yoga and meditation teacher, inspirational speaker and community organizer and a mother of identical twin girls! She is the founder of the Aspen Yoga Society, The Aspen City of Wellbeing, Lead with Love, The Love Ninjas and the Mind, Body, Spirit Rx content brand. Gina’s mission is to shift culture from fear to love from the inside out. All of her endeavors are intended to help people thrive and find joy, freedom and peace in mind, body and spirit. Gina and her husband Jerry created and support the Mind, Body, Spirit Series at The Aspen Institute hosting speakers and events to raise consciousness and honor “The Aspen Idea”. Murdock has a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica with a special emphasis on consciousness, health, and healing. Gina is a certified Chopra yoga and meditation teacher as well as a certified Bikram and Vinyasa Flow yoga teacher and retreat guide who teaches internationally. Gina is also a published author and inspirational public speaker known for humor, enthusiasm, authenticity and vulnerability.

Gina is passionate about optimal wellbeing for the planet and people and leading from the heart. Her absolute belief is that we always have a choice and we can choose love over fear when given the tools and creating the awareness to do so. Gina is a founding member of Dr. Deepak Chopra’s Self Directed Biological Transformation Initiative and has willingly submitted her body to science to prove the effectiveness of mind/body practices on optimal health! Gina is an active board member of the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (ACES), The Center for Living Peace, The Aspen Brain Institute and CASA of the Ninth as well as an advisor to The Chopra Foundation and CTZNWELL. Gina is a former radio and newspaper journalist and contributor to Origin Magazine and Mantra Yoga and Health Magazine . She continues to write a monthly column for The Aspen Times as well as publish a monthly newsletter for Lead with Love called “Founder’s Letter”. Gina lives by these mantras: “Let the beauty you love, be what you do.” (Rumi); “Be the change you wish to see in the world” (Gandhi); and “WOOO-HOOO!” (Gina)

Elisa Bava

Professional singer and performer, vocal coach, certified sound therapist, 200 hrs yoga teacher, Elisa Bava strongly believes in the healing power of sound and movement.

After 15 years touring all over the world, recording for international djs, signing with Universal Music, taking part in music competitions such as “Eurovision Song Contest”, she’s now devoted to utilizing her voice and her profound connection to music as a healing and transformational tool.

She will guide you through practices that will facilitate release, help you find your voice, ignite your creativity, empower and rebalance your whole system.

From group activities to private sessions, there will be endless possibilities to work with your own sound and vibration with her.

And since she’s spent most of her life on stage, she’s always up for some fun dancing moves and will easily start a party that involves crazy outfits and singalongs! So be ready!

Elisa is also 100% Italian, loves Italian culture, food and wine and will be our first-hand connection to the beautiful Land that will host our retreat.



*Separate Booking Required
  • Medical Healing, Spiritual Psychology, Shamanistic Healing & Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Modalities:
  • Traditional Acupuncture and Shamanistic Acupuncture
  • Nutritional medicine and Herbal Medicinals Prescriptions
  • Tuina, Therapeutic Bodywork and Cupping
  • Systems Biology, Lab Interpretation and Functional Medicine
  • Psychoneuroimmunology
  • Movements Exercises & Energy Redeployment through Energy Passes*
  • Perception and Consciousness Development
  • Intention Skills and Guided Imagery

* Energy passes are movements and breaths, practiced either standing, sitting or on the mat, that originate in a tradition of shamans from ancient Mexico, and which bring an increase in vitality, awareness and energy in those who practice them.

Watch a sample energy pass that you can practice anytime, anyplace!

Energy Pass 1
Energy Pass 2

Workshop in Sestri Levante – Awareness Through Harmony

View announcement in Italiano

This May in Europe with Dr. Miles Reid!

Workshop in Sestri Levante, May 20-21 “Awareness Through Harmony”

An Exploration of the Male and the Female, in a New Era for Relationships

Sestri Levante, Italy May 20-21
Hotel Grande Albergo

Experience a space within you beyond divisions, complete, silent


There is an ancient Chinese concept that when Yang is in plenitude there is already the start of a seed of Yin. In the world of 2023 today, as division and des-integration abound, we can catch a glimpse as well of the beginning of a new understanding as vehicles for advancing human consciousness. And with this, the possibility of a new physiology in our bodies.

Avo -The male and female polarity within us is the essential division that exists to our experience of being whole. The Arab mathematicians of the ninth century formulated the idea of fractions, and they used the word avo to refer to the partition. In formulating this idea, they noticed that once a whole is partitioned, it can continue to divide forever, just as our perceived differences between male and female can continue to divide forever,

But there will be always for eternity, a space between the fractions. Avo represents that unifying space, avo is, then, Infinity. For a shaman, infinity is freedom, sought, but not attainable.

My teacher Carlos Castaneda focused on a proposition he called Awareness through Harmony. Harmony between the sexes, an ideal of a new form of relationship between men and women, between the feminine and the masculine. Within ourselves, and with the opposite gender. From this state of the self, all our other endeavors in the world change.

We need this new construct, i is our next step in evolution. We need this new quality right now, this new affirmation, and to live it in our daily lives.

  • Practice Movements to Reorganize your body’s Energy and Vitality, called energy passes
  • Enter into Hightened States of Awareness
  • Learn how to use Energy to make Decisions
  • Visualize a new chemistry in your body
  • Experience the voice of your Internal Organs

The shamans of ancient Mexico believed that each one of us is the possessor of a cache of energy that permits us to live our lives. This cache of energy is enough for us to remake ourselves, to attain inner silence and catch a glimpse of Infinity.

In Awareness Through Harmony, the invitation we are extended is an ideal: to use this cache of energy to reach a level of harmony so complete that none of us would have words to explain it or describe it. In order to align with this new feeling within us, which is in the same order as to say with our opposite gender, we need to reach a level of profound amenity and affinity between these two polarities inside our inner world. Then, we can bring this harmony out into our relations in the outer world.

How do we enter into a level of awareness to become a man and a woman with no desire to establish any preconceived scenarios of inferiority or superiority? The reward is a feeling of abandonment and freedom; it changes our decision making. And decision making is the critical skill we need for our world.

Experience how to energize your decisions with this 30′ practice:

The workshop will take place by the Mediterranean coast of Liguria, and it includes a special evening session  for Journeying in the Sea of Awareness , with guest teacher Elisa Bava, who will guide participants**, through a non linear use of the vocal chords, to move the assemblage point, in order to foster a state of inner silence, ideal for such journeying.

In this state, one can even reach into the unified space, the space between the male-female polarity, the place of Avo, or infinity.

** via live or online

Combine the workshop with a set of treatments for maximum impact and results!

During treatments you get:

  • A Personal Coaching on the Warrior’s Way
  • A Personal Tuina Bodywork & Acupuncture
  • A Personal Nutritional and Herbal Prescription
  • A Personal Energy Pass Prescription


Friday May 19

10:00 to 19:00 Hrs. Individual Treatments

Saturday May 20

10:00 to 13:00 Hrs. Workshop Morning Session
13:00 to 15:00 Hrs. Lunch
15:00 to 18:00 Hrs. Workshop Afternoon Session 18:00 to 19:00 Hrs. Snack 19:00 to 21:00 Hrs. Workshop Evening Session 21:00 hrs Dinner

Sunday May 21

10:00 to 13:00 Hrs. Workshop Morning Session 13:00 Hrs. Lunch. 15:00 to 19:30 Hrs. Individual Treatments

Monday May 22

10:00 to 19:00 Hrs. Individual Treatments

Tuesday May 23

10:00 to 13:00 Hrs. Individual Treatments

Registration and Contact

ITALY ph +39 346 088 2114 Pier Paolo Brescia
ph +39 350 063 7286 Emanuele Paganini

Awareness Through Harmony – Sestri Levante, Italy


May 20 & 21
$435 $335 Special price for Europe extended until April 30!
Take Individual Treatments and receive their own discounts!
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Treatments in Sestri Levante

Treatments in Sestri Levante with Dr. Miles Reid – 1 to 2 Treatments

$239 USD (225 Euros) per treatment

Price for 1 or 2 treatments (each)
In your Shopping Cart, under “Quantity”, please make sure to type the number 2 instead of 1 if you want to take 2 treatments, and then on “Update Cart”. Then proceed to checkout.

Treatments in Liguria with Dr. Miles Reid – 3 Treatments

$228 USD (215 Euros) per treatment

Discount Price for 3 treatments = $684 USD.
Save $33 USD!

Treatments in Liguria with Dr. Miles Reid – 4 Treatments

$218 USD (205 Euros) per treatment

Discount Price for 4 treatments = $872 USD.
Save $84 USD!